October 19, 2019, on the occasion of the 70thanniversary of CUFE,in order to strengthen the interactions between high profile alumni and currentstudents regarding their life and experience and help students grow, theCUFE-BSAlumni Lecture Series meeting was successfully held.Professor Lin Song, Deanof CUFE-BS and Director of the MBA Education Center,Mr.Wang Guomin, an alumnus of year 1979,Mr. Wang Chikun,an alumnus of year 1998, andMs. Tang Ji, an alumnus of year 2007.Mr.Feng Dachen,an alumnus of year 2007, attendedthe meeting with more than 100 students. Ms. Yin Lili, Vice President andSecretary General ofCUFE-BS CEO Cluband an alumnus ofyear 2014, hosted the meeting.

The meeting was initiative of the CUFE-BS CEO Club.
Professor Lin Song, Dean of CUFE-BS and Director of the MBA EducationCenter appreciated the alumni and the students for their participation in the meeting.The Alumni Association is dedicated to build a platform for students to abtainthe wisdom and experience of the high profile alumni, to share the topics suchas growth, success, career development, career planning and so on. Enable thestudents learn more about business and career besides classroom knowledge. Heput forward that the growth of the students is not only about classroomlearning, but also the experience and cases from the alumni, which would helpthem solve real world problems. The real experience of the alumni and the realtruth are very important in the growth of young people. CUFE-BS will continueto organize and support related activities.

Mr. Wang Chikunshared hisentrepreneurialexperience with a speech titled Walk on avenue, be your own track champion.

Mr. Wang Guo minshared his speech titledSeize the opportunity, Createvalue.

Ms. Tang Ji shared her speech titled Embrace changes, Dance with the newera.

Mr. Feng Dachen shared his speech titled Find your mission in life.

In the interaction and communication session,the students ask questions and alumni answered those questions one by one basedon practical examples.

Upon warm discussion and communication, the CUFE-BS Alumni Lecture Seriesmeeting lasted for 2.5 hours and was a complete success.