15-19 October 2019,The 2019 Conference of the Advisory Board of The Central University of Finance and Economics Business School was successfully held. Professor Li Junsheng, former Vice President of CUFE and Chair of the Advisory Board, and Advisory Board Members - Professor Ajay Vinzé, Dean of the University of Missouri Business School, Mr. Deng Yiwu, President of the Sinograin Group, Mr. Uchiyama Hideyo, former Chairman of AZSA KPMG Japan, Dr. Tao Dong, Managing Director and Chief Economic Analyst for Credit Suisse AG Asia, and Professor Wang Fanghua, former Dean of the Shanghai Jiao Tong University Antai College, were present. The members attended the 2019 Conference of the Advisory Board, gave speeches for the CUFE-BS Academic Seminar series, and attended occasions and events of the 70thanniversary of CUFE.

The 2019 Conference of the Advisory Board

Professor Li Junsheng, former Vice President of CUFE and Chair of the Advisory Board

Professor Ajay Vinzé, Dean of the University of Missouri Business School

Mr. Deng Yiwu, President of the Sinograin Group

Mr. Uchiyama Hideyo, former Chairman of AZSA KPMG Japan

Dr. Tao Dong, Managing Director and Chief Economic Analyst for Credit Suisse AG Asia

Professor Wang Fanghua, former Dean of the Shanghai Jiao Tong University Antai College
Professor Li Tao, Assistant President of CUFE,Professor Lin Song, Dean of CUFE Business School and Director of the MBA Education Centre,Professor Ge Jianxin, Secretary of the CUFE Business School Party Committee, Professor Jia Xiaojing, ViceDirector of the MBA Education Centre, Professor Yu Guangtao, ViceDean of CUFE Business School, were attended.Professor Li Tao, Assistant President of CUFE, gave a speech on behalf of CUFE.Professor Liexpressed his welcome and appreciations to the members.Professor Lisaid that,CUFE is the first financial institution set up by the new China Central Government. In the past 70 years, it hasbeen dedicated andcommitted to the development of the economy and society inChina. At the beginning of the newstarting point, CUFE will continue to build a high-level research university with features, multi-discipline and internationalization, deepen reform and push forward. He said that,theboardmembershasmade great constructive suggestions for the development and the continuous improvement of CUFE-BS, and provided strategic advice and directional guidance for the development strategy of CUFE-BSregarding the characteristics of running schools, the talent training, theenhancement of facultyand the cooperationbetween businessschool and the enterprises. It is hoped that theboardmembers willmake a clear statement at the meeting, and make more valuable comments and suggestions, and continue to make proposals for the development ofCUFE and CUFE-BS. We also hope that CUFE-BS will deeply analyze the new position of development, grasp the new opportunity of innovation, implement the advice and suggestions of the Advisory Committee into practice, find the development breakthrough, form the unique competitive advantages, improve the core competitiveness of CUFE-BS, andbecome afirst-class business school in China.

Professor Li Tao, Assistant President of CUFE
Professor Lin Song, Dean of CUFE Business School and Director of the MBA Education Centre, made a presentation regarding the facts and profile of CUFE-BS.Professor Linintroduced the development trends of CUFE-BS in recent years, and the innovation and exploring in discipline development, talent cultivating, academic research, and globalization.Professor Linsaid that there are still challenges and deficiencies in the development process, and would like to receive suggestions and advice from board members.

Professor Lin Song, Dean of CUFE Business School and Director of the MBA Education Centre

Professor Ge Jianxin, Secretary of the CUFE Business School Party Committee
The board members had a discussion as per the facts and profile of CUFE-BS, and raised advice regarding the development and enhancement of CUFE-BS.The members spoke highly of the improvement and achievementsofCUFE-BSin the past year, and held a lively discussion on the development courses, studentcompetencycultivation, andinternationalization. At the end of the discussion,ProfessorLi Junsheng,Chair ofthe AdvisoryBoardandformerVicePresident ofCUFE, made abriefsummary.

Professor LinandProfessor Geconsulting with ProfessorAjay Vinzéand colleagues

Professor Ajay Vinzé,Dean of the University of Missouri Business School, giving keynote speech

Mr. Uchiyama Hideyo, former Chairman of AZSA KPMG Japan, giving keynote speech

Dr. Tao Dong, Managing Director and Chief Economic Analyst for Credit Suisse AG Asia, giving keynote speech
Professor Ajay Vinzé,Dean of the University of Missouri Business School, had a discussion regarding future collobaration withProfessor LinandProfessor Ge.Professor Ajay Vinzéalso gave a keynote speech titledUsing Data Riches: A Tale of Two Projectsto CUFE-BS students.Mr. Uchiyama Hideyo, former Chairman of AZSA KPMG Japan, give akeynote speechtitledAs theformer chairman of KPMG in Asia Pacific‐All what I want to tell youto CUFE-BS students.Dr. Tao Dong, Managing Director and Chief Economic Analyst for Credit Suisse AG Asia, gave a keynote speech titledTao DongSee the World, to CUFE-BS students.Mr. Deng Yiwu, President of the Sinograin Group,Professor Li Junsheng, former Vice President of CUFE and Chair of the Advisory Board,Mr. Uchiyama Hideyo, former Chairman of AZSA KPMG Japan,Dr. Tao Dong, Managing Director and Chief Economic Analyst for Credit Suisse AG Asia, were invited to attend the70thanniversary of CUFE event and sent their greetings.

Group picture
The CUFE-BS Advisory Board was founded in 2018.The board members comprise ofdomestically and internationally acknowledged scholars, business experts, and government officers.The mission of the Advisory Board is to providestrategicand guidance to CUFE-BS regarding current and perspective issues, and build communications with the wider society, such as networking and connection opportunities, for the enrichment and enhancement in academic research and teaching, and promote CUFE-BS to become a first-class business school in China.