October 19,2019, in order to celebrate the 70th anniversary of CUFE, theCUFE-BS held an appointment ceremony for CUFE-BS alumni mentor. Professor GeJianxin, Secretary of the CUFE Business School Party Committee, and studenttutors, Ms. Wang Tingting, Ms. Sun Xiang, Ms. Xu Jingting, Ms. Lv Jialei, 33alumni and 66 current students, were present. The ceremony was hosted by Mr.Kong Weiming.

ProfessorGe Jianxin, Secretary of the CUFE Business School Party Committee, gave aspeech on behalf of the school. She welcomed and appreciated the attendance ofthe alumni, and addressed that, the CUFE-BS alumni tutor program integratepractice into teaching and learning, It is an activity in which alumni, facultyand students participate together based on the recognition of common historyand culture. Through these sessions, the rich life experience and workexperience of alumni could be shared, which would help students understand realbusiness world and society. The school will provide more opportunities for bothsides to establish a more smooth communication mechanism and activity sessions,and make greater progress together.

Professor Geannounced the “decision on the appointment of alumni pilot tutorof CUFE Business School”, and issueda letter of appointmentfor the 33alumni mentors.

ProfessorGe presenting a letter of appointment for alumni mentors

CUFE-BSthen held an alumni mentor matching and worship ceremony. The ceremony wasconducted by the traditional culture and research club of CUFE-BS, and invitedthe alumni, Mr. Bai Ziyi, the famous expert in tea art, Head of the YunmenTiancheng Culture Communication Co., Ltd. and the Yunmen Tea Co., Ltd. topreside over the ceremony. The traditional Chinese tea culture and the traditionof worship masters and teachers were integrated in the ceremony, and expressed theadmiration and gratitude of the students to their alumni mentors.

Thematching and worship ceremony

Mr.Fei Yunjian, alumni mentor representative, giving speech
Mr. FeiYunjian, alumni mentor representative, gave a speech. He hoped that thestudents would have a more open life orientation, make greater achievements intheir studies and future career, and aspire to be a person beneficial to thecountry and society.

Ms. Liu Yan, studentrepresentative, giving thanks
Ms. LiuYan, student representative, gave thanks to the mentors. As a member of thepilot project, she hoped to learn more through this platform, and expressedthat they would learn to use, and work forward to the future.
After theceremony, alumni mentors and the 11 teams of students had a warm interaction.

Theappointment of alumni mentors created a mentor-student interaction and counselingmode in addition to the traditional and peer-to-peer education, through which theconnections between alumni and the school would be further strengthened. Thementors are selected among alumni, who would guide and help students in variousforms, to share the working experience and life, to help them grow up and todevelop their career, and to improve their learning competencies and socialadaptability.