23September 2019, CUFE Business School was formally informed by the Associationof MBAs (AMBA) that the MBA program was accredited for the third time. Theaccreditation period is 5 years.
AMBA hasfully approved the developments of the CUFE MBA program. Especially the MBA competencymodel provides the core support for the current and future MBA teaching andmakes the various links in the learning process closely connected. The GTMBAprogram (China, the United States and South Africa) enables MBA students theopportunity to communicate and solve real-world problems across cultures, andincreases their international experience. At the same time, AMBA alsoappreciates the financial concentration of the MBA program, the continuousimprovement in the past 5 years, the application of advanced teachingtechnology, the IC reward system for MBA faculty, the team spirit of MBAstudents and so on.
17-18 June2019 was the onsiteaccreditation visitperiod for CUFE MBA program. The accreditation team was chaired by Professor MartynJones, VP of the Kingston University. Professor Stephanie Villemagne, Vice Deanof CUHK Business School, Professor Wang Zhongming, Director of the GlobalEntrepreneurship Centre, Zhejiang University, and Dr. George ILIEV from Associationof MBAs were team members.

ProfessorMartyn Jones, Team Chair, VP of the Kingston University

ProfessorStephanie Villemagne, team member, Vice Dean of CUHK Business School

ProfessorWang Zhongming, team member, Director of the Global Entrepreneurship Centre,Zhejiang University

Dr. George ILIEV, team member, Director of China Region and CMO,Association of MBAs
Professor WangYaoqi,President of CUFE, met with the team and attended the accreditationfeedback meeting. Professor Shi Jianping, Professor Sun Guohui, and Professor MaHaitao, VPs of CUFE, attended the meeting with CUFE Board members, the accreditationreport and the feedback sessions. The members of the MBA Education SteeringCommittee and Directors of functional departments participated in relevant meetings.The CUFE Business School Board members and staff of the MBA Education Center wereattended.

ProfessorWang Yaoqi, President of CUFE

Meetingwith the CUFE Board members
17 June2019, President Wang Yaoqi met with the accreditation team. She introduced the disciplines,the development of CUFE Business School as well as the MBA program to the teammembers. President Wang emphasized on the continuous improvement strategies andactions of the MBA program after the second re-accreditation, and the promotionand support policies from the university level. President Wang said that, the70thanniversary of CUFE is approaching, it is most glad that theCUFE MBA program will receive the re-accreditation. Hopefully that, the CUFEMBA program will review the achievements, think about the development andimprovement strategies of the future, and promote the development of themanagement disciplines of CUFE.

ProfessorWang Ruihua, the then Dean of CUFE Business School and Director of MBAEducation Centre
During theonsite visit, Professor Wang Ruihua, the then Dean of CUFE Business School andDirector of MBA Education Centre reported to the team regarding the self-evaluationreport of the MBA program. The team members met with the members of the MBAEducation Steering Committee and CUFE Business School Board members,respectively. The team also met with Directors of functional departments, MBAstaff, MBA faculty, alumni representatives, and current student representatives.The team visited the facilities of CUFE such as the Business School, the MBACentre, labs, etc., and referred to the material compilations such asadmissions, student service, teaching affairs, and program development, etc.

Meetingwith Directors of administration departments

Meetingwith MBA faculty

Meetingwith alumni representatives

Meetingwith current student representatives
The teamspoke highly of the achievements, innovations and features of CUFE Business Schooland its MBA program, and fully acknowledged the importance and supports by CUFE.At the same time, the team has made valuable suggestions for the futuredevelopment of CUFE Business School and its MBA program, and has providedeffective guidance regarding the optimization of strategic objectives of CUFEBusiness School and its MBA program, the implementation of internationalizationstrategies, the exploration of financial science and technology, thedevelopment of entrepreneurship and leadership, the development of EDP, theconstruction of courses and the improvement of learning methods.

This AMBAre-accreditation marks a new level of the MBA education in CUFE and is animportant milestone for the internationalization strategy of CUFE Business Schooland its MBA program. The CUFE MBA program was accredited by AMBA in 2011 forthe first time. CUFE was the 8thin mainland China and the 1stin Beijing among the universities that had passed the AMBA accreditation. In2014, CUFE MBA program was re-accredited by AMBA for the accreditation periodof 5 years. This is the second time that the CUFE program got re-accredited byAMBA, which has a profound and great impact on the quality assurance andcontinuous improvement of the MBA education, as well as brand building and impactpromotion of CUFE. In the future, according to the international accreditationstandards, the CUFE Business School and its MBA program will continue to insiston mission-oriented, continuous improvement and innovation spirit, constantlypromote the continuous improvement strategy, and promote the MBA program withinternational impact and first-class level in China.
