28September 2019, CUFEBusinessSchoolheldthe 5thDefense Session fortheBusiness Leaders TrainingCampsuccessfully. The session was hosted by Dr. Liu Xiaoyuan, Head of theDepartment of Strategy.ProfessorGe Jianxin, Secretary of theCUFEBusiness SchoolParty Committee,ProfessorLin Song, Dean of CUFE Business School and Director of the MBA Education Centre,Dr. Dou Chao from Department of Financial Management, and over 50 students fromthe 5thand 6thclasses of the Business Leaders TrainingCamp were attended.

The5thDefense Session of theBusiness Leaders Training Camp
ProfessorLin Song, Dean of CUFE Business School and Director of the MBA Education Centre,gave an opening speechonbehalf of the school.Dean Linmade a brief introduction to theBusiness Leaders Training Camp, including the purpose ofthe initiative and its vision. Dean Lin stressed that the mission of talentcultivation of the Business Leaders Training Camp was to develop futurebusiness leaders with 4I spirits, i.e. Insightful, Innovative, Integrative, andIntegrity. The syllabus of the Business Leaders Training Camp comprises oftheory courses offered by professors and practical sessions supervised bymentors of business professionals. Academic sessions integrated with practicalsessions were enhanced in the camp. Dean Lin hoped that the students would makegood use the opportunities, study hard and show the outcomes of the trainingcamp at the end. At the same time, by attending the training camp, the studentswould constantly broaden their horizons, and improve their competences of solvingbusiness management problems in the real world.

DeanLin giving an opening speech
In the oraldefense session, the students made presentations of the learning outcomes ofthe past year. Practicalprograms, rigorousanalysis process, vigorous design ofmarket plan andentrepreneurialprograms in the real world were veryimpressive. The professors made comments and remarks regarding thepresentations, pointed out strengths and improvement suggestions, and hopedthat their research would be more of academic and practical value afterimprovements. The students expressed their appreciations to the professors andsaid that they had learned a lot out there from the training camp.

Theoral defense
ProfessorGe Jianxin gave comments on behalf of the professors. She spoke highly of thepresentations, and rose up three suggestions for future improvements, i.e. rigorousresearch spirits, in-depth exploration and research logics, and the sense ofsocial responsibility. She encouraged the students to become outstandingtraining campers.

Professor Ge giving comments
ProfessorGe also introduced the 13thChina-Japan International Seminar onEntrepreneurship Education which would be held in Osaka Commercial University,Japan, and the application and registration issues.