22September 2019,the opening ceremony for the training session for financedepartment directors of the China Storage Grain Group was successfully held. Mr.Yao Mingye, member of the Party Group and Chief Accountant of the China ReserveGrain Group, Professor Sun Guohui, VP of CUFE, Mr. Xiao Fuyin, Head of theHuman Resources Department of the China Reserve Grain Group, Mr. ChangShaoping, Director of the finance department of the China Reserve Grain Group, Mr.Wang Tieyun, Director of the finance department of the China Reserve GrainGroup, Mr. Zhang Hai, Vice Director of the finance department of the ChinaReserve Grain Group, Professor Lin Song, Dean of CUFE Business School and Directorof the MBA Education Center, and Professor Ge Jianxin, Secretary of the Party Committeeof CUFE Business School, Professor Yu Guangtao, Vice Dean of CUFE Business School,attended the opening ceremony. The ceremony was hosted over by Professor YuGuangtao.

Professor SunGuohui, VP of CUFE, gave a speech on behalf of CUFE. Professor Sun extended asincere welcome to all the guests and all the participants of the training session.Professor Sun introduced the basic facts of CUFE. Central University of Financeand Economics is known as the cradle of Chinese financial management experts.In recent years, CUFE Business School has held various advanced training sessions,which have achieved remarkable results in serving economic construction, socialdevelopment and talent training. CUFE Business School set up the first AdvisoryCommittee in 2018. It was an honor to invite Mr. Deng Yiwu, Chairman of theChina Grain Reserve Management Group Co., Ltd., and Secretary of the PartyGroup to serve as a member of the first Advisory Committee. It is hoped that CUFEBusiness School will establish a closer cooperative school-enterpriserelationship with the China Grain Reserve Group and carry out a broaderrelationship between the school and the enterprise. 2019 is the 70thBirthday of P. R. China and the 70thanniversary of CUFE. Professor Sunwish everyone a complete success in the training session for finance departmentdirectors of the China Grain Storage Group.

Mr. YaoMingye, member of the Party Group and Chief Accountant of the China ReserveGrain Group gave a speech. He warmly congratulated the opening of the training sessionand put forward three hopes. He hoped that the students would fully understandthe significance of holding the training session; that they would make properarrangements to achieve practical training results; that the students wouldcorrect their attitudes, be strict and discipline, and successfully completetheir learning tasks; and that they would achieve something in their studies,achieve success in their studies, and have some understanding of their studies.

Ms. QinWei, representative of the students, gave a speech. First of all, she thankedthe group for its wonderful arrangement and deployment, looked forward to thehigh standard of CUFE Business School, and made a statement on behalf of allthe students.They will cherish the preciousopportunity with gratitude, study hard, understand the meaning of solidlearning, and integrate the results of study into practice.

The trainingsession for finance department directors of China Grain Storage Group hasdeeply implemented the policy of “integration of industry and education andcooperation between universities and enterprises” put forward by the 19thNational Congress of the Communist Party of China, closely combined thedevelopment of CUFE Business School with the development of enterprises, madepractical contributions to the development of economy and society, and promotedthe financial management of the partner, which is of great practicalsignificance and promotion.