18 September, theorientation for the 2019 in-takes of CUFE Business School was held successfully.Since the 70thanniversary of CUFE in approaching, the orientationthis year meant a lot more than other years. Mr. Zhao Hongyao, Deputy Directorof the Beixiaguan Street Branch, Ms. Hou Jingling, Head of the Public RelationsAdministration Office of Beixiaguan Street Branch, Professor Lin Song, Dean ofCUFE Business School and Director of MBA Education Centre,Professor Ge Jianxin, Chief Secretory of CUFE BusinessSchool Party Committee, Ms. Han Lan, Organizer of the CUFE Business SchoolParty Committee, Professor Yu Guangtao, ViceDean of CUFE BusinessSchool, Professor Jia Xiaojing, Vice Director of MBA Education Centre, Dr. LiuXiaoyuan, Head of the Department of Strategy, Professor Li Ji, Vice Head of theDepartment of Marketing, Professor Zhang Yunqi from Department of Marketing,Dr. Geng Yong, Head of the Department of Supply Chain and OperationsManagement, Dr. Chen Jinliang, Vice Head of the Department of Supply Chain andOperations Management, Dr. Xu Jin, Vice Head of the Department of FinancialManagement, Mr. Luo Zhanen, Outstanding Alumni Representative of the 1993Graduates, faculty from CUFE Business School, and the 2019 in-takes of CUFEBusiness School including 158 undergraduate students, 57 academic masters, 399MBA students, and 20 PhD candidates. The orientation was hosted byProfessor Ge Jianxin, Chief Secretory of CUFE BusinessSchool Party Committee.

In the solemnnational anthem, the orientation opening officially began.

Professor LinSong, Dean of CUFE Business School and Director of MBA Education Centre,welcomed the 2019 in-takes on behalf of the CUFE Business School. Dean Linbriefly introduced the history and development of the Central University ofFinance and Economics, and shared the faculty and academic development. DeanLin interpreted the mission of CUFE Business School in details. CUFE BusinessSchool has become an important business school home and abroad with the missionof “contributing to new knowledge of management, cultivating business leaderswith global vision, spirit of innovation and sense of social responsibility”,taking Change and Innovation as the theme, and promoting the differentiationand globalization strategies of the school.

Professor ZhangYunqi from Department of Marketing gave a speech as faculty representative.Professor Zhang shared three keywords with the students, “university, teacher, andstudent”. Professor Zhang interpreted “what is a university”, “what is ateacher”, “what is a student” to the students. Modern university is the place fortalent cultivation, academic research, social service and cultural inheritance.A great scholar is not a builder, but a master.

Mr. Luo Zhanen,Outstanding Alumni Representative of the 1993 Graduates, gave a speech andshared his life inCUFE Business School as well ashis career development with the students.Mr. Luorecited the bookThe Power of All-in-Oneas the start, and suggestedthat the students would pay attention to physical health, emotions, self-governance,and mental health in the future.Mr. Luoalsoshared how to learn, live, work and have different life with the students.

Afterwards, Mr. WangLei, Ms. Zhang Jiexuan, Mr. Lu Kai, and Mr. Jin Shan, spoke on behalf of thenew students of undergraduate students, academic masters, MBA students, and PhDcandidates, respectively.

This orientationwas also the first lecture of the 2019 in-takes of CUFE Business School. Ms. WuJingyu, Champion in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and the 2012 London OlympicGames was invited to give a speech on the topic of “Why do I love mymotherland” to the students. Ms. Wu Jingyu showed everyone her hard work in hersports career and her positive and optimistic attitude in the face ofdifficulties based on her 20 years of taekwondo career. She said that if youwin all the time, you may always be afraid of losing, winning and losing makesa humanbeing stronger, and all setbacks will be gained after the experience.

The officialwebsite of the Chinese Olympic Committee, Beijing News, NetEase Sports, SinaSports and other media have made relevant reports regarding the event.