17 September, the“PromoteCareer Development in CUFE Business School” Lecture was successfully held. Mr. ZhouJunyi, Vice President of DHgate, was invited to give a presentation on the topic“brand 2.0: unique body and fun soul”. Mr. Luan Tian from MBA Education Centrehosted the event.

Mr. Zhou Junyi, Visiting Researcherat Johns Hopkins University. Mr. Zhou received his Ph.D. in InternationalRelations from Johns Hopkins University-ECNU Joint Program. Mr. Zhou was formeranchorman of Jiangsu Television, Press Officer of the Embassy of China in theRepublic of India, Deputy Director of the Office of Chairman Letv, VicePresident of Didi's Office, columnist of Southern Weekend, and columnist ofoverseas edition of People’s Daily.

The presentation was about theessence of communication, the brand product force and the expression forceincrement. Mr. Zhou combined his theoretical research with his practice experience,delivered the essence and skill of communications, explained the change ofbusiness information transmission in the new era and the content thinking andchannel thinking, and the secret of brand communication strategy, which helpedthe students to set up a brand consciousness, clarify the path of professionaldevelopment and boost the life to the new stage.

During the discussion session, Mr.Zhou answered the questions of individual career planning, professional skillsupgrading and industry selection. He recommended high-quality books and filmssuch as “Kissinger’s Great Diplomacy”, “Clash of Civilizations”, “20 Years of Crisis”,“No Questions”, and encouraged the students to read more good books, maintain alifelong learning status, enrich themselves, and provide more choices andopportunities for their future.