12September 2019, the Orientation for doctoral and academic master students atCUFE Business School was successfully held.ProfessorLin Song, Dean of CUFE Business School and Director of MBA Education Centre,Professor Liu Xiaohong, Ms. Wei Zhaohui, doctoral student tutor, Mr. ZhangDian, academic master student tutor, and all doctoral and academic masterstudents were present in the event.

At thebeginning, Professor Lin expressed a sincere welcome to all the new students.Then, Professor Lin gave a brief explanation on how to cultivate a positivelearning style, especially the cultivation of graduate student academicresearch competency and the writing of academic papers, emphasizing the rigourof thesis examination and the importance of academic morality. Professor Lin expressedfervent hope to all students present, hoping that they would cherish thevaluable period and continuously enrich and improve themselves.

Next, ProfessorLiu Xiaohong shared how graduate students abide by academic morality andethics. Professor Liu reminded everyone to abide by the norms of academicmorality and ethics and fully understand its importance through four cases. ProfessorLiu explained what academic ethics is from two aspects: the concept andattribute of academic ethics. After that, from the perspective of “heteronomy”of academic norms and “self-discipline” of academic ethics, Professor Liustressed that abiding by academic ethics not only requires externalsupervision, but also self-restraint. Finally, Professor Liu enumerates theethical norms of academic citation in academic activities, and enabled thestudents realize the standardization and preciseness of academic activitieswith vivid cases.
Ms. WeiZhaohui and Mr. Zhang Dian explained the teaching affairs and discussed individualgrowth, student class management and other issues with the students. The orientationof entrance education clarified out the direction, path and attention of learningand life for postgraduate students. The students will have to work hard in thefuture, adhere to academic ethics, enhance academic competency, and continuouslyimprove themselves.