21 September 2019, the “Entrepreneurs Forum to Celebrate the 70th Anniversary of CUFE”, based on the topic of “New Economy · New Business ·New Finance”,

Professor Wang Yaoqi, President of CUFE, Professor Shi Jianping,VP of CUFE, Mr. Chen Yanshun, President and Chairman of BOE, Mr. Qi Zheng, VPand CSO of BOE, Mr. Lei Jie, Chairman of Beijing Zhongcailongma Invest Co. Ltd,Mr. Yin Guohong, VP of Dongxing Securities, Mr. Cai Zhihang, VP of BeijingZhongguancun Future Science Park Co. Ltd, Professor Liu Shuwei, Mr. Xu Yingjie,VP and Chief Secretory of CUFE Alumni Association Beijing Branch, Mr. MengZhijun, VP of CUFE Alumni Association Beijing Branch and Chairman of CUFEBusiness School CEO Club, Professor Ge Jianxin, Chief Secretory of CUFEBusiness School Party Committee, media such as people.cn,China.net, huanqiu.net, cyol.net, CFEN, Financial Times, k618.cn, MBA China,and alumni representatives were present in the event. The Forum was hosted byProfessor Lin Song, Dean of CUFE Business School and Director of MBA EducationCentre.
Professor Shi Jianping, VP of CUFE, gave a speech on behalf ofCUFE. Professor Shi reviewed the achievements made by the CUFE as well as CUFEBusiness School in recent years, and pointed out that, driven by the newscientific and technological revolution such as big data, AI and cloudcomputing, with the increasing complexity of the international political gameand the slowdown of China’s economic growth, the growth of enterprises isfacing new competitive environment and unprecedented pressure and challenges.Future performance growth will rely more on technological breakthroughs,business model improvement and business format innovation. How to promote theinteraction between financial sector and the real economy is not only animportant issue in the healthy and orderly development of the financial sector,but also a new subject that requires deep studying in discipline developmentand education model in CUFE. Professor Shi said that, business leaders and outstandingmembers in industries were invited in the event to discuss the development,reform and future trend of the new economy, new enterprises, and new financethrough ideological collision and in-depth exchanges, deeply analyze the latestdevelopments in the industry, accelerate the transformation of the old and newkinetic energy, and help promote the high-quality development of China’s economy.

Mr. Chen Yanshun, President and Chairman of BOE, gave a keynotespeech on the topic of “Innovation, Leading, and Win in IOT”.

Outstanding alumni representatives, such as Mr. Lei Jie,Chairman of Beijing Zhongcailongma Invest Co. Ltd, Mr. Yin Guohong, VP of Dongxing Securities, and Mr. Cai Zhihang, VP of Beijing Zhongguancun FutureScience Park Co. Ltd, etc., attended the Entrepreneur Round Table Forum. Alumnirepresentatives put forward suggestions on how to analyze the direction ofinvestment and to judge the development potential of the industry based on thetopic of the enterprise’s strategic thinking under new macro context.

Beforethe forum, Professor Wang Yaoqi, President of CUFE, met with Mr. Chen Yanshun, Mr.Qi Zheng, Mr. Lei Jie, Mr. Yin Guohong, Mr. Cai Zhihang and other guests, anddiscussed on topics of dynamics in industry development and talents cultivation.Professor Liu Shuwei, Professor Ge Renxia, Chief Secretory of CUFE AlumniAssociation, and Professor Lin Song, Dean of CUFE Business School and Directorof MBA Education Centre, accompanied the meeting.