Professor Dai Hongyan’s Research Papers was Awarded in ICCS 2019and MIM 2019.
27-29 June 2019,InternationalConference on Service Science (ICSS 2019) by INFORMS (International Associationof operational Research and Management Sciences) was held at Nanjing Universityof Aeronautics and Astronautics. The annual meeting was sponsored by INFORMS, co-sponsoredby the School of Economics and Management of Nanjing University of Aeronauticsand Astronautics and co-organized by East China University of Technology. Thetheme of the conference was “Intelligent Service system, Operation Managementand Analysis”. More than 160 experts and scholars from more than 20 countries andregions came to share and present their latest research results. The papersubmitted by Professor Dai Hongyan from CUFE Business School was awarded a prize.

Among the 139 papers submitted, Professor Dai Hongyan’s paper wasawarded the First Place Winner of the 2019 INFORMS Best Paper Award by ICSS2019, which is the highest award for the conference.

28-30 August 2019, Manufacturing, Management and ControlConference (MIM 2019) by IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) washeld in Berlin, Germany. The annual meeting was sponsored by IFAC and hosted byBerlin University of Economics and Law. The theme of the conference was “Digital,Resilient and Sustainable Manufacturing 4.0”. More than 750 experts andscholars participated. The paper submitted by Professor Dai Hongyan from CUFEBusiness School was awarded a prize.
Among the 139 papers submitted, Professor Dai Hongyan’s paperwas awarded the Best Paper Award by MIM 2019, which is the highest award forthe conference.