As Central University ofFinance and Economics (CUFE) celebrated its 70th anniversary, to enable theCUFE Business School to feature a combination of business theories andmanagement practices, intensify business case studies and research subjects,cultivate business managers with stronger leadership, and build a platform forexchanges between outstanding alumniwhere people from the same family givefull trust to each other, the Inaugural Meetingof the CUFE Business School CEO Club took place at Room 604of AcademicHallon June 2, 2019. Wang Ruihua,Dean of the CUFE Business Schooland Director of the MBA Education Center, Ge Jianxin,PartySecretary of the CUFE Business School,Jia Xiaojing, Deputy Director ofthe MBA Education Center, teachers from the Business School and MBA EducationCenter, and 40-odd outstanding alumni attended the Meeting.

A scene from the Inaugural Meeting

Wang Ruihua,Dean of the CUFEBusiness School and Director of the MBA Education Center, delivered a speech
At the beginning of the Meeting,Dean Wang Ruihua thanked alumni for sparing time in their busy schedule toattend the Inaugural Meeting in his address. He pointed out that, the BusinessSchool has been committed to cultivating leaders with a global vision, creativespirits, and a strong sense of social responsibilities, and also futureentrepreneurs. He noted that, for years, the Business School has maderemarkable achievements by training a number of economic and management talents.However, how to effectively combine strengths and resources from multiplesources to facilitate the development of the Business School and its alumni hasalways been a challenging problem. He mentioned that, the idea of establishingthe Business School CEO Club was brought forward as early as end-2017, sincewhich the research and preparations started: during the process, the key issuehas been how to divide alumni into different small groups, see the Club gathermore ground from initially a small but high-quality one, and serve the alumnientrepreneurs. After preparations for some time with strengthened efforts, theCUFE Business School CEO Club was founded on June 2, 2019. Its system andoperations would depend on every member’s wisdom and involvement. At the end ofhis speech, Wang hoped that through concerted efforts of both the BusinessSchool and Club members, the Club could bear remarkable fruits and live up topeople’s expectations.

Ge Jianxin,Party Secretary of the CUFE Business School, delivered aspeech
Party SecretaryGe shared her insights and experience regarding entrepreneurship education withthe other attendees. She noted that, standing at the forefront of the trend,the founding of the Business School CEO Club is of great importance and thatthe Club should be run earnestly. She hoped that, the CEO Club would be a warm organizationfull of creative ideas and great visions. It could reflect its values andimprove its level by virtue of high-quality activities and experience learning.She wrapped up her address by wishing the CUFE Business School CEO Club runsmoothly and bear plentiful fruits.

Kong Weiming, a teacher from the CUFEBusiness School, presided over the Meeting

Yin Lili, a representative of the club preparatory group, saidthat, from an initial idea through preparations to the inaugural, they focusedon making the best better. Throughout the whole process from determining targets,through making rules and building systems, to soliciting and culling opinions,it was inseparable from the great concerns and guidance from School leaders andother faculty and intensified support from alumni. In her speech, sheintroduced the original goals and objectives of the Club. She hoped that itcould serve as a platform to facilitate the information and resource flow amongCUFE alumni so that they can share resources, enhance cooperation, and build acommunication mechanism driven by a sense of belonging, faith and mission toexpand cooperation for win-win results. She noted that, each member’s wisdomand strength contributed to the foundation of the Club. She hoped that the Clubcould bond alumni with alma mater and lead them to embrace a better future forthe Business School.

Zhang Dian, a teacher from the CUFEBusiness School, announced election procedures
During the election ofthe first Board of Directors and Board of Supervisors for the Club, Zhang Dianannounced theProcedures for Electing the First Board of Directors and Boardof Supervisors of the CUFE Business School CEO Clubbefore havingcorresponding positions and appointees determined at the Meeting.

A scene from the election voting session at the Meeting
The first Board ofDirectors and Board of Supervisors of the Club also held their first meetingswhere they cast secret ballot to elect Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, and ExecutiveDirector of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Board of Supervisors andpresented electees with letters of appointment. The Honorary Chairman andmembers of the Advisory Committee of the CEO Club were also appointedsuccessively at the Meeting.

Chairman, Vice Chairman, Executive Director, and Secretary ofthe Board of Directors, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, AdvisoryCommittee members, and the first panel of Club members were presented withletters of appointment
At the Meeting, aftertheCharter of the CUFE Business School CEO Clubwas deliberated and approved,the inaugural ceremony started with the unveiling of the club plaque inscribedby Bo Kui, a renowned calligraphist and artist.

The inaugural ceremony of the CUFE BusinessSchool CEO Club
In the inaugural address,spokesmen expressed their opinions on the establishment of in-house rules andfuture operations of the Club, and had a discussion on its development based ontheir own entrepreneurial experience, management practices, and designatedpositions. They vowed to work hard toward the common goals of the Club andextended their blessings to CUFE on occasion of its 70th anniversary.
Alumnus Meng Zhijun, newly-electedChairman of the Club, pointed out that, biding its time for one year followedby six-month preparations, the process of founding the Club is well-thought, prudentand of great realistic significance and huge value for the CUFE Business Schoolto cultivate future business leaders. Therefore, it was a great honor for himto be appointed as the first Chairman of the Club. To cultivate managementpersonnel like CEO, it is important to apply theories to practices, andpioneering entrepreneurs need to exchange information, share experience, andhelp each other to build a spiritual homeland rooted in the same culture.Meanwhile, Meng also elaborated on the quality of and demands for various managementpersonnel by analyzing the three dimensions of a CEO. He stressed speciallythat, Chinese entrepreneurs, to form a group and nurture entrepreneurship, needto learn valuable lessons from their predecessors, including their gains andlosses, experience, and successes and failures. He admitted his devotion tofamily and country, and would like to share all his insights with every attendeeso as to form a Chinese entrepreneur group and nurture entrepreneurship.

Alumni including WangGuomin from the Advisory Committee, Vice Chairman Feng Daren, Zhang Geng, RenRupeng, Executive Director Fei Yunjian, Hu Zhongyue, Qiu Yingfei, Liu Xing,Zhang Jianli, Board of Supervisors member Zhang Wenbo, Club member Rao Wei, MuYang, and Wang Yuan delivered their speeches one after another. They recognizedthe significance of founding the Club, as it addressed the requirements ofalumni, and offered practical suggestions and remarks for its furtherdevelopment based on their own work experience.

Attendees posed for a group photo at the Inaugural Meeting
It takes threegenerations to make a gentleman, and nothing that concerns students’ well-beingis a trivial matter. The founding of the CUFE Business School CEO Club is ofgreat significance because it will greatly enhance the connections among CEOalumni, form another strong bond between them and their alma mater, build aplatform for members to exchange ideas and learn from each other, promote Schoolprograms, and boost alumni career development. Inspired by the CUFE spirit ofloyalty, consolidation, pragmatism and innovation, in the future, the CEO Clubwill organize moreactivities and exchanges, inject more energy from learning and practices,prioritize business research, and aim for development based on cooperation. Itwill pool up the business management wisdom of each CEO member and apply theoryto practice to build a communication platform where people from the same familygive full trust to each other and realize the dream of common development.
May the CUFE BusinessSchool CEO Club have more talented members on board to plough in its culture,and cultivate more corporate management talents for both enterprises and thesociety for their prosperous development!