On the afternoon of June 2, 2019, the electionof the Fifth Board of Directors of the Beijing MBA Program Alumni Association, CentralUniversity of Finance and Economics (CUFE), was held successfully atthe LectureTheater of the MBA Education Center. The election was attended by morethan 70 people, including CUFE Deputy Party Secretary Liang Yong, Secretary GeneralAn Xiumei and Deputy Secretary General Li Songli of the CUFE Alumni Association,CUFE Beijing Alumni Association representative Wang Tuo, Wang Ruihua, Dean of theCUFE Business School and Director of the MBA Education Center, Ge Jianxin, PartySecretary of the CUFE Business School, Jia Xiaojing, Deputy Director of the MBAEducation Center, Kong Weiming and Dong Shuo, teachers of the MBA EducationCenter, and MBA alumni from all walks of life across the country. Qiu Yingfei,Secretary General of the MBA Program Alumni Association, presided over theevent.

Wang Ruihua, Dean of the CUFE Business School and Directorof the MBA Education Center
iuYingfei, Secretary General of the MBA Program Alumni Association

AnXiumei, Secretary General of the CUFE Alumni Association

Lu Jihai, Chairperson of the Second Board of Directors ofthe CUFE MBA Program Alumni Association

Jiang Kun,HonoraryChairperson ofthe Fourth Boardof Directors of the CUFE MBA Program Alumni Association

JiaXiaojing, Deputy Director of the CUFE MBA Education Center

AnXiumei, Deputy Chairperson andSecretary Generalof the CUFE Alumni Association,conferredcertificates of appointment to elected Chairpersons and Honorary Chairman

DeanWang Ruihua conferred certificates of appointment to elected Deputy Chairpersons

SecretaryGe Jianxin conferred certificates of appointment to elected Deputy Chairpersons

DeputyDirector Jia Xiaojing conferred certificates of appointment to elected SecretaryGeneral and Deputy Secretaries General

ChairpersonFeng Daren conferred certificates of appointment to elected Directors

HonoraryChairperson Lu Jihai conferred certificates of appointment to elected Directors

HonoraryChairperson Jiang Kun conferred certificates of appointment to elected Directors

Feng Daren, the newly elected Chairperson of the CUFE BeijingMBA Program Alumni Association

The new board presented delivered speeches

Ge Jianxin,Party Secretary ofthe CUFE Business School

Liang Yong,CUFE Deputy PartySecretary

Group photo of all participants, with their wishes forCUFEat its70thanniversary
At the closing section of the event, allparticipants extended their best wishes to CUFE for its 70th anniversary, and theelection of the Fifth Board of Directors of the CUFE Beijing MBA Program AlumniAssociation came to a successful end.