The fourth session ofLong Ma Lecture of CUFE Business School & third session of “Me • Youth” —Unyielding Roses Steer CareerPaths with Ease were held atthelecture theater of the MBA Education Center, Central University of Finance andEconomics (CUFE) on May 29, 2019. Alumna Zhou Jie, Deputy Director of Sectionof Comprehensive Affairs, Office of Committee for Economic Affairs, NationalCommittee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, wasinvited to share her insights with students. Ge Jianxin, Party Secretary of theCUFE Business School, attended and addressed the event.

Professor Ge opened herspeech by expressing appreciation toalumnaZhou for attending theevent. Professor Ge then moved on saying that the School invited Zhou to shareher personal genuine career experiences in line with the “Me • Youth” serieswith students. Her career choices, experience of further study after graduation,and reflections during the process could inspire the audience and guide femalestudents in their future career development.

Party Secretary Ge Jianxin presented the letter ofappointment of “Pioneering Mentor” to alumna Zhou Jie and took a photo with her

Alumna Zhou thankedProfessor Ge for inviting her to exchange opinions with students of her almamater, before starting her lecture themed on “Long-Term Planning and OngoingAction Make Dream Sprout in Reality.” Zhou started by reviewing her planningduring college life and expressed hopes that students could be devoted to everycourse they take, develop the habits of learning and reading, improve theircomprehensive qualities in student activities, and make their college life morefulfilling and rewarding. Next, she stressed the importance of adherence to andexecution of plans, suggesting students learn to think and redefine their goalsconsistently in practice. At the end of her lecture, Zhou shared her stories ofcareer choices, informed students of the characteristics, growth potential andrequisite qualities and capacities of civil servants, and encouraged them to“be greater doers rather than greater talkers when still having a chance tofight for a bright future, and secure steady progress along the way to better oneselfday by day.”

Students eagerly raisedvarious questions during the interaction. Alumna Zhou answered their questionsby drawing on her own career experience patiently and shared her opinions aboutstudent concerns over career choices and planning, the working ecology of civilservants, attitude adjustments in workplace, as well as further study andimprovement of professional competency after graduation, for the benefits ofstudents.

Toward the end of theactivity, Professor Ge noted in her concluding remarks that students need to bewell-prepared mentally and competent enough to seize opportunities derived fromlearning and reading. Experience is duplicable, but how to draw on experienceresourcefully depends on students themselves. She hoped that students couldmake reflection on every lecture to internalize what they have learnt bit bybit.

The “Long Ma Lecture of CUFEBusiness School” is a series of lectures built on the characteristics of theSchool’s disciplines and alumni resources to drive the development of studentsand help them realize their value. A total of three sessions have been held bynow. In order to share a wider range of resources with students, the Schoolwill invite more excellent alumni to address their concerns and fuel theirgrowth.
Launched in variousforms, the Girl’s Talk on “Me•Youth,”a serial event initiated by the CUFE Business School, aims to show an all-roundcare for female students and help them improve their comprehensive qualities.Me, namely oneself, harbors an aspiration that female students in the CUFEBusiness School can cherish their youth and continuously make progress inpursuit of their self-growth with beauty in full blossom.