In the fascinating month of May, CentralUniversity of Finance and Economics (CUFE) successfully held the 2018-2019 CUFEMBA Campus Ambassador Handoff Ceremony at Room A02 of the MBA Education Center.Professor Jia Xiaojing, Deputy Director of the CUFE MBA Education Center, andteachers from the Project Development Office, including HuangJixin, Luan Tian and Liu Xinfeng, attended the occasion upon invitation. Headof the 2019 campus ambassador group Wang Yuanyuan presided over the event.
Witnessed by the School faculty and boththe former and current ambassadors, Wang Yuanyuan took over the group flag fromher predecessor Gao Danyang. She then extended her wishes and expectations forher work as the new ambassador. Hence, the CUFE 2019 campus ambassador groupwas officially launched.
It is always an honor to fulfillobligations and pursue a common mission. As of this day, the 2018-2019 CUFE MBACampus Ambassador Handoff Ceremony came to a successful conclusion. While theambassadors have completed the handoff procedures and assumed new positions, theyneed to go beyond this and live up to long-term commitments. The new campusambassadors are expected to remain true to their original aspirations and practicethe philosophy of “from good to excellent,” thus bringing the achievements of CUFEcampus ambassador to a new height.