The neck-and-neckbusiness competition between Mobike and Ofo is already a thing of the past. Asthe boom of bicycle sharing recedes, investors, consumers and regulatorydepartments among other stakeholders have begun to ponder over problems broughtabout by bicycle sharing. To forge a deeper understanding of the up-to-datebusiness practice and cutting-edge academic topic of faculty and students ofthe Business School, namely, the model of bicycle sharing in sharing economy, ProfessorGe Jianxin, Party Secretary of Business School, Central University of Financeand Economics (CUFE), invited Yin Juelin, Associate Professor at the BusinessSchool of Sun Yat-sen University, to deliver an academic lecture.

Associate Professor Yinreceived a doctoral degree in management at the Business School of NankaiUniversity, and engaged in research as a postdoctoral fellow at HarvardUniversity. Her main research interests include corporate social responsibilitystrategy, sustainable development, business ethics, and social entrepreneurshipin a Chinese context. She has published more than 20 papers in Chinese orEnglish in domestic and international journals such asJournal of Business Ethics,Journal of World Business, andLong Range Planning. She has alsopresided over or participated in several international, national or provincialand ministerial-level research projects. She is currently DeputyEditor-in-Chief ofBusiness Ethics: A European Review, an SSCI indexedEnglish journal, Deputy Director of the Editorial Department ofQuarterlyJournal of Management, and a member of the Editorial Board ofManagementand Organization Review. Associate Professor Yin has also providedconsulting services to the governments of Zhejiang Province and SuzhouIndustrial Park, SynTao, and UK AccountAbility on corporate social responsibilitiesand sustainable development. Meanwhile, she is a member of the Business Councilfor Sustainability and Responsibility, American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghaior the “Voice of American Business” in China. The lecture of AssociateProfessor Yin will help faculty and students of the School gain a deeper andall-round understanding of sharing economy.
This lecture, held from 3:30p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on May 24, 2019 at Room 615 of the main teaching building on CITYCampus, was themed on “Sustainable Development in the Context of SharingEconomy from the Perspectives of Ethics and Culture.” Associate Professor Yinshared two academic articles published in internationally-renowned journals:the first article set in the context of Chinese culture discusses the influenceof consumers’ cultural values (collectivism and man-nature orientation),consumption values (materialism inclination and awareness of “mianzi”), andethical evaluation on the usage intention of the public bicycle sharing system,presenting a new perspective of research on sharing economy against thebackdrop of Chinese culture to the audience; the second one draws on themethodology of textual analysis to examine the co-creation and co-destructionof value by consumers and bicycle-sharing enterprises based on textual data ofWeibo.
The innovative researchangles and methodologies of her research aroused the interest of the audience,whose questions were answered by Associate Professor Yin at great length. Inreturn, she also gained some valuable feedback conducive to her research duringthe exchange. The academic lecture of the CUFE Business School on “SustainableDevelopment in the Context of Sharing Economy from the Perspectives of Ethicsand Culture” was concluded successfully in heated discussions.
This lecture was fundedby 2019 CUFE Themed Academic Lecture Sponsorship Program “Sharing Economy: UserCognition and Organizational Growth.”