On May 24, 2019, the Second Directors’Forum of MBA Education Center of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region was held in the CommunicationUniversity of China (CUC). This event was sponsored by the MBA/MPA/MIB Center,School of Economics and Management, CUC, and undertaken by MBAedu. ProfessorJia Xiaojing, Deputy Director of the MBA Education Center, Central Universityof Finance and Economics (CUFE), attended and addressed the event. The eventwas also attended by Huang Jixin, Director of the Project Development Office, CUFEMBA Education Center.

At the Forum, Professor Jia Xiaojing startedher speech with CUFE’s “seven-step feedback pedagogics” and cited cases of CUFE’sGlobal Trilateral MBA Certificate Program as demonstration of the pedagogics. Inadherence to the mission of “building an MBA program that ranks firstnationwide and has a global reach,” the CUFE Business School is committed totraining leaders capable of thinking globally and innovatively, competent in financeand business, and ready to shoulder social responsibilities. Professor Jia alsonoted that, in order to achieve its goal and realize the mission, CUFE has beenworking to study and implement the “seven-step learning,” namely independentplanning, in-class learning, after-class individual practice, after-class groupactivities, mock groupwork, real life experiences, and self-assessment, and hasproduced fruitful results.
Nearly100 deans of economic and management schools, as well as directors and teachersof MBA centers of 41 higher education institutions running MBA programs fromBeijing, Tianjin and Hebei attended the Forum. Along with heated discussionsand idea exchanges, the Second Directors’ Forum ofMBAEducation Centerof Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region came to a successfulconclusion.