At 7:00 p.m. on May 24,2019, an exchange meeting on career development plans jointly hosted by theFinance Clubof the Business School, Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE) and theCareer Development Department of the Business School Graduate Union took placeat Room 702, Academic Hall of CUFE.
Distinguished guests likeZhang Geng, Chairman of the Business School Finance Club and General Manager ofCDB Urban Investment Fund Management (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Mu Tong, DeputyGovernor of Bank of Beijing (Liulichang Branch), Zhang Fan,BoardSecretaryand Finance Director of Beijing Zhongnengda Technology Co., Ltd., and Li Wei,Vice President of Winku China, attended the meeting and shared their insights.The exchange meeting presented not only a platform for members of the BusinessSchool Finance Club to communicate intensively with industry elites on careerplans and development but also a valuable learning opportunity for CUFEBusiness School students.
At the meeting, veteranpractitioners shared their own experience, professionally and patientlyanswered questions raised by club members and other students based on theiryears of experience, and wrapped up the meeting by giving valuable andpractical advice about students’ concerns on career development and plans.

The exchange meeting on financial career development planscame to a successful conclusion

Outstanding alumni of the Business School Finance Club sharedtheir experience on career development
As time slipped by in thevaluable and short conversations between guests and students, thearound-two-hour exchange meeting came to the end. After they posed for a groupphoto, students yet stayed around alumni for advice. The meeting which had beenscheduled to finish at 9:30 p.m. was extended to 10:30 p.m. as everybodylingered to the last minute. For the convenience of future exchanges betweennovices and veterans whenever possible, the Business School Finance Club,together with the Career Development Department of the Business School GraduateUnion, created a WeChat chat group namedBusiness School Finance Club — CareerDevelopment Plansfor further information flow and experience sharing. Themeeting was short, but valuable lessons learned there will lead the way towardbrighter career prospects for students in the future.