
On the morning of May 24, 2019, Connect Adfaithwith Students, the third“Fintelligence”event designed byMBA Financial Club, Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE),received a full success. Over 30 people were present at the event, including ChenRui, Chairman of Adfaith, Kong Weiming, a lecturer from the MBA Education Center,CUFE Business School, Zhao Xueyuan, Professor from the School of Accountancy ofCUFE, Yi Dan, Secretary General of CUFE MBA Financial Club, Deputy Secretaries GeneralZhang Bing, Chen Dan, and Zhao Zheng, as well as club members from variousfields such as investment, marketing, technology and finance.

The participants discussed and exchangedviews on industry revolution and enterprise transformation throughinformatization and digitalization. Chairman Chen stated that, it has becomeindispensable for industries and enterprises to be informatized and digitalized.And as to those enterprises busy shouting empty slogans of“internetization”and “technologization,” Chairman Chen stressed on the importance ofintegratingbusiness with technologyrather than simply introducing the ideaof informatization. Only in this way can theyreduce costs,enhance effectiveness, and achieve further growth with technologies.

The visit and discussions have both beensmooth and enlightening. The students not only learnt about the most recentdevelopment of consultancy business and took a close look at the industry, butalso have a chance to think over personal career development in the field of consultancyand management. Adfaith has been acting its mottos:“RESET” — responsibility,equality, sharing, experiment and tenacity. Management and consultancy are twoindustries inseparable. Furthermore, the event also reminds us of theimportance that the MBA students grow into the kind of managers who are readyto share, innovate, and locate pain points of enterprise development, andshoulder more responsibilities for a greater course.