A few days ago, a teamled by Liang Yong, Deputy Party Secretary of Central University of Finance andEconomics (CUFE), inspected the CUFE Business School and MBA Education Center.Party and administrative leaders and members of CPC Committee of the CUFE BusinessSchool attended the inspection seminar. Lv Jie, Director of the CUFE SecurityOffice, and staff of the CUFE General Office were among the inspection team.

A scene from the inspection

A scene from the inspection
Wang Ruihua, Dean of the CUFEBusiness School and Director of the MBA Education Center, Ge Jianxin, PartySecretary of the School, and Wang Rong, Vice Party Secretary of the School,gave briefings on preparations for the 70th anniversary of CUFE, promotion of“following benchmarks of Party construction and working toward advancedinstitutions,” and the construction of “Safe Home” of the School (Center) respectively.
Deputy Party SecretaryLiang Yong listened to their briefings attentively, showed high regard forrelevant work of the School, and raised specific requirements for futureendeavors.
According to Liang, the70th anniversary of CUFE consists of several key phrases, including solidarity,joint forces, academic achievements, culture refinement, image building, and joyfulevents. The following aspects should be prioritized in the School’spreparations for the celebration. First of all, the entrepreneur forum is acore event to demonstrate academic achievements. The CUFE Business School hasworked efficiently on it in response to the requirement of the University.Second, the School secured steady progress in the compilation of school historyand establishment of alumni database to implement basic tasks. Third, itdelivered a distinctive performance in optional measures by fostering specialalumni network based on a thorough research of its alumni features. Meanwhile, Liangencouraged the School to be more resourceful about donation. He noted that theabove tasks should be completed or deliver some results before the celebrationof the anniversary to create a favorable atmosphere for the steady proceedingof the event.
As to the promotion of“following benchmarks of Party construction and working toward advancedinstitutions,” Liang pointed out that it is a long-term Party building task.The School should integrate discipline development and talents training with Partybuilding; carry out relevant activities, establish typical examples, and ensuregood publicity of these efforts in an organized manner; implement centralprojects and foster a conducive environment to capture remarkable results. TheCPC Committee of the School is expected to guide values and thoughts of the School.Positive outcomes of Party building will be certainly reflected in other workof the School. The Committee should adopt a content-based and case-oriented approachto identify and promote core progress and fully leverage the role of afavorable atmosphere in talents training.
In regard to “Safe Home”construction, Liang noted that the building of “Safe Home” presents animportant opportunity to safeguard the safety and stability of the University.Good security services result from leaders’ support, effective implementation,and sound systems. More efforts should be spent on safety hazard shooting anddrills of emergency plans to ensure a harmonious, safe and stable campus environment.
Following the inspectionof Deputy Party Secretary Liang Yong, Party and administrative leaders of the CUFEBusiness School attached great importance to his suggestions and oversaw theimprovement and implementation of relevant work.