On the afternoon of May 18,2019, the2019MBA Open Day and 2020 MBA Admission Policy Press Conference of CentralUniversity of Finance and Economics (CUFE) took place at Room 206, AcademicHall of CUFE.Liu Shuwei,a researcher of the Institute for Finance and Economics and a renowned scholarof CUFE, was present as a distinguished guest to deliver an open course.Professor Jia Xiaojing,Deputy Director of the MBA Education Center, Zhou Yan, Admission Director, teachersfrom the Department of Program Development like Huang Jixin, Luan Tian, and LiuXinfeng, and Ma Tengbao, Chairman of the MBA Federation, attended the event,whetting the interest of a packed audience up to nearly 700 including 2020 MBAcandidates and the second MBA campus ambassadors.

A scene from the event

Jia Xiaojing, DeputyDirector of the CUFE MBA Education Center
Professor Jia Xiaojing extended a warm welcome to all candidatesin her host lines. She noted that, as a cradle to top talents in economics andmanagement of modern China on a par with the Whampoa Military Academy, CUFE hasnurtured more than 100,000 high-quality talents at different levels in variousindustries for national economic construction and social development. Its MBAprograms are designed to cultivate leaders with a global vision, creativespirits, financial edges, and a strong sense of social responsibility. Shewelcomed potential students from all corners of the country to get enrolled inCUFE MBA programs to make the leap from being good to excellent.

Liu Shuwei, a researcher of the Institute forFinance and Economics of CUFE
ScholarLiu Shuwei made a public speech titledTao and Te of Financial Practitioners.She cut to the chase, citing the sentence that “Tao(doctrine),Te(virtue),Ren(benevolence),Yi(righteousness), andLi(rites) are five-in-one” fromSu Shu(The Book of Plain Words),and centered onTaoandTeto elaborate details. ProfessorLiu pointed out that “Tao, the path people take, runs its course ofunknown origin; andTe, what people get, directs all things to findtheir proper place.”

Students listened attentively to the lecture
As forTaoof financialpractitioners, Professor Liu pointed to the China-US relations, taking industriesof automobile and real property as an example. She held that in the next tenyears, China needs to change its market capitalization mechanisms to letindustrial corporations outpace financial businesses, or it would risk asluggish economic growth. When it comes toTeof financialpractitioners, she mentioned that enterprises should be considerate to theiremployees and satisfy demands from their consumers, with self-discipline andsocial commitment, subject to harsh punishment and strict laws, and consistentwith causality and natural rules. Professor Liu indicated that the post-1980generation, the mainstay of Chinese economic growth, would take center stage inthe next decade of information and automobile industries.

Qu Jiantong, a freshman-to-be of Class 2019
Qu Jiantong, a freshman-to-be of Class 2019 and an MBA campusambassador, shared herexperienceinthe preparation of the examination. In her address titledAccumulate Richlyand Break Forth Vastly, she introduced how to collect information aboutschools, majors, examination syllabus, and procedures in the early stage andpractice hard at a regular pace in the middle of the preparation. According toher, there is no short cut to success. Therefore, it is important to findappropriate approaches to success and remain faithful to your original goal ofapplying for CUFE.

Huang Jixin fromtheDepartment of Program Development, MBA Education Center
Mr. Huang Jixin introduced MBAprograms in his speech themed onFrom Good to Excellent. He started fromthe new function of inquiry from an intelligent robot, which would providestudents with consulting services on examination preparations and admission,featuring the upgraded CUFE MBA WeChat subscription account. Then he elaboratedon related admission policies and gave more details on financial specialties,international visions, faculty strength, and career development of CUFE MBAprograms. He cited the examples of outstanding alumni and current students tomotivate the audience to uphold the MBA spirits of from being good to excellent.

Zhou Yan, AdmissionDirector of the MBA Education Center
Ms. Zhou Yan interpretedadmission policies and early admission interview policies. She illustratedpotential problems during the enrollment from the dimension of practicaloperations and shared other information like target students, basic age limits,and application requirements. She reminded students of related precautions,including preparations for the computer system, interview materials, dos anddon’ts, common questions, and categories of materials needed, to help themavoid detours. In the end, she introduced some concerned questions like earlyadmission interview arrangements and the cut-off line for the second round ofexamination.

MBA campus ambassadors of the year 2019 made their debut
The second MBA campusambassadors, who would feather the nest of promoting CUFE MBA programs andorganize a series of experience sharing activities on examination preparations,made their debut on the open day. Ma Tengbao,Chairman of the MBA Federation,presided over the lucky draw and presented books autographed bythe author, Professor Liu Shuwei, to fortunate students as souvenirs.

Ma Tengbao,Chairmanof the MBA Federation

Q&A session
TheMBA open day is intended to inform students of CUFE MBA programs, charismaticteachers, and impressive class ambience. The release of 2020 MBA admission andearly admission interview policies will help clarify a variety of issues duringenrollment, gear students up for CUFE MBA programs, and give them an earlyexperience of excellent MBA lecturers and a tour of the beautiful CUFE campus.