On May 7, 2019, adelegation of the US University of Pittsburgh (Pitt), consisting of 28 teachersand students in total, visited Central University of Finance and Economics(CUFE) to conduct scientific research and academic exchanges. The activity coveredseveral sessions, including a lecture and workshop on “Smartphone andE-commerce Supply Chain,” a seminar themed on “Life and Studying in China &CUFE,” discovery of the CUFE library, and a themed exchange activity on Chinesecultures. Teachers and students of the CUFE Business School proactivelyorganized and participated in the activity.

Lecture on “Smartphone and E-commerce Supply Chain”
Centering on the theme of“Smartphone and E-commerce Supply Chain,” Dr. Yao Kai, a lecturer of the CUFEBusiness School, gave an excellent lecture, which greatly engaged Pittstudents. They all showed a keen interest in how China’s smartphones evolvedand the current development of smartphone-enabled e-commerce. In the subsequentworkshop session, Pitt students had a heated discussion with CUFE students on anumber of constructive matters, which won recognition of Dr. Yao. Through thelecture and discussion, Pitt students gained a new understanding of the statusquo of the emerging smartphone-enabled e-commerce and expanded theirinternational horizons.

Workshop on “Smartphone and E-commerce Supply Chain”
After the lecture andseminar sessions, Pitt teachers and students, guided by their counterparts ofthe CUFE Business School, visited the campus and library in Shahe Campus of CUFE.Students of the CUFE Business School gave a detailed introduction to the structureand functions of the library in English. Pitt students were deeply impressed bythe magnificent layout, sophisticated functions, advanced facilities, anduser-friendly experience of the library.

Visiting the library
The CUFE and Pittteachers and students took photos together after all sessions were concluded.Pitt teachers and students expressed appreciation to their counterparts of theCUFE Business School as well as their wishes for future visits and deepenedcooperation, and invited teachers and students of the CUFE Business School tovisit Pitt.

Founded in 1787, the Universityof Pittsburgh is a world-famous institution of higher learning. As one of thefirst ten universities in the US, it is now one of the top universities acrossthe globe. Boasting great academic prestige, it is an Ivy League school and a memberof the Association of American Universities. Moreover, it ranked the 43rd inthe 2019 Best Global Universities Rankings released byU.S. News & WorldReport.