The third session of “Long Ma Lecture of CUFE Business School” — the themed lecture“Explore Securities • Head for Future” was held at the lecture theater of theMBA Education Center, Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE) on themorning of May 11, 2019. Alumni Huang Xueqian, a securities affairsrepresentative of China United Network Communications Group Co. Ltd. (ChinaUnicom), and Duan Yi, Senior Vice President of Founder Securities Co., Ltd., wereguest speakers of this lecture. Alumnae Liu Bin, an employee of the Ministry ofFinance, and Zhang Jinhui, an employee at the headquarters of the Industrialand Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), attended the lecture. Ge Jianxin, PartySecretary of the CUFE Business School, attended and addressed the event.

Party Secretary Ge Jianxinstarted her speech by expressing her appreciation to these four alumni forspending their weekends with students of the CUFE Business School. Then shesaid that, as a teacher, she is more than delighted to witness the growth offellow alumni in the pursuit of their dreams and careers. School education isindispensable in one’s growth, but it is just a platform. To truly getsomewhere, students have to work hard by themselves. The purpose of “Long Ma Lecture of CUFE BusinessSchool” is to establish connections and expand the horizons and abilities ofstudents by inviting alumni to share their personal career experience andthoughts on the CUFE platform. Ge concluded her speech by saying that she hopesstudents can overcome their fear and cherish the opportunity to activelycommunicate and interact with these guests.
Party Secretary Gepresented the letter of appointment of “Pioneering Mentor” to alumni HuangXueqian and Duan Yi and took a photo with guests.

AlumnusHuang Xueqian played a few 5G-themed videos first to enhance students’understanding and thinking of the vibrantly growing mobile communicationsindustry. Next, he shared his thoughts of four aspects, namely revolution and humans,the value of time, riding on the trends and reverse thinking, and personalexperiences. He encouraged students to engage more with people withforward-looking visions in the new era and think ahead of the era in futurecareer choices to identify the development trends and outlook of industries. Hesuggested that students learn to think independently and seize opportunitieswhen an industry is consumed by panic, be responsible for their only life, anddefine their own pace in their respective time zones. Finally, Huang expressedhis expectations for students to stay poised and make informed decisions ontheir way to success.

AlumnusDuan Yi gave a speech on “Change and not to Change — Advice on Careers andEntrepreneurship.” Starting by analyzing the general trends and typical casesof China’s stock market, Duan went on to brief students on different businessesof the securities sector, give advice on future career choices, cite severalcases to inspire students’ thinking of the development of financial and securitiessectors, and encourage them to seize opportunities when the time has come whileimproving their expertise. With regard to entrepreneurship, Duan laid great emphasison tracking policy dynamics, and consideration of moral risks and potentialproblems at different stages of entrepreneurship. He expressed support forstudents to sharpen their expertise, improve their abilities, maintain apositive attitude toward life, and cultivate fine qualities, includingresilience, tolerance, integrity and confidence.
At the Q&A session,students raised quite a few questions. The four alumni answered their questionsby referring to their specialized knowledge and career experience and sharedinsightful and rewarding ideas of students’ keen concerns, such as careerchoices and planning, workplace circumstances of financial and securitiessectors, and career choices at research institutes.

The “Long Ma Lecture of CUFEBusiness School” is a series of lectures built on the characteristics of the School’sdisciplines and alumni resources to drive the development of students and helpthem realize their value. A total of three sessions have been held by now. Inorder to share a wide range of resources with students, the School will invitemore excellent alumni to address their concerns and fuel their growth.