From May 1 to 7, 2019, atthe invitation of the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS),Professor Yan Nina of the Business School, Central University of Finance andEconomics (CUFE) led two students, including Liu Yang of the 2018 successivepostgraduate and doctoral program and Chen Zhineng of Class 2016 from theundergraduate program of Logistics Management, to attend the POMS 30th AnnualConference for academic exchanges in the US. Their visit was sponsored by theCUFE Program for Supporting International Academic Exchanges.

Themed on “POM in DataDriven Smart Decision Making Era,” the POMS 2019 Annual Conference broughttogether a number of educators, scientists and students from the academiccommunity, and managers, analysts and consultants from various industries. The Conferenceis committed to enabling discussions and promotion of the latest studies andapplications in the field of worldwide management science, in a bid to improve productionand serve operations, decision-making and management. The Conference wasattended by over 1,600 quantitative analysts, including industry-leading seniormanagers and scholars with cutting-edge expertise, who attempted to explore thelatest solutions and facilitate innovation and resource integration inoperational research and management science and analysis through intensivelearning and exchanges.
During the Conference,Professor Yan co-chaired the Invited Session “Supply Chain Financing andContracting” and made an oral report, and Chen Zhineng made a presentation ofhis academic report titledOptimal Order Policy for Capital-constrainedSupplier with Online SCF: From Data-driven Optimization Perspectiveat thesame session; Liu Yang presented an academic report titledSmall LendingBig: Strategic Pricing Games in Online Supply Chain Financeat the InvitedSession “Global Supply Chain and Operations Management.” Both students werewell-prepared before the visit and delivered excellent performance at theevent, which won them recognition of scholars present and bolstered theircourage and confidence in handling international academic events.
POMS is an internationalprofessional society representing the world’s leading studies and scholars inthe field of production and operations management research. Centered onoperations management, management science, and decision science, the POMS AnnualConference is a yearly event which has been successfully held 30 times bybringing together the world’s top scholars and experts.
Involvement inconferences and communication with academic peers across the globe help followthe cutting-edge research in relevant fields, improve CUFE students’ capacity ofscientific and academic research, and boost the international clout of the CUFEBusiness School in the academic field of production and operations management.