On May 15, 2019, the ResearchTalk on “Small Lending Big: Strategic Pricing Games in Online Supply ChainFinance” of the Business School, Central University of Finance and Economics(CUFE), was held successfully at Room 615 of the main teaching building on CITYCampus. The presenter was Liu Yang, a student from the 2018 successivepostgraduate and doctoral program of Technology, Economy and Management of theCUFE Business School.
Previously, Liu Yang deliveredthe presentation at the 2019 Annual Conference ofProductionand Operations Management Society (POMS)whichwas held from May 2 to 6, 2019 in Washington, D.C., winning the recognition ofother attendees and receiving revision suggestions. This Research Talk wasprimarily held to promote Liu’s presentation at the Conference and review the participationof CUFE representatives in the event.

At the beginning, Liugave a brief introduction to the POMS Conference.Centeredon operations management, management science, and decision science,the POMS Annual Conference is a yearly event which has beensuccessfully held 30 times by bringing together the world’s top scholars andexperts.The Conference is committed to enabling discussions andpromotion of the latest studies and applications in the field of global managementscience, in a bid to improve production and serve operations, decision-making,and management. After that, Liu elaborated on the paper she presented at theConference, a journal article under review. Under the dual-channel system,e-commerce platforms provide small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with anonline sales channel and online supply chain financial services — proceedingfrom this real-life scenario, this paper conducts modeling and analysis toexplore the effect of online supply chain financial services offered bye-commerce platforms on dual-channel pricing and channel structure. The resultsshow that by offering online supply chain financial services, e-commerceplatforms can create win-win results for both SMEs and themselves: e-commerceplatforms can secure more profits, and SMEs can grab a larger market share. Meanwhile,when e-commerce platforms and suppliers are in vertical competition, the totalbenefits generated are higher than those reaped when they are in horizontal competition.Meanwhile, the dual-channel structure is affected by various factors, such asfinancing, operations, and consumers.
After the presentation,Liu answered questions raised by students attending the Research Talk withregard to the paper. They also had a discussion on issues which can be further examined.The Research Talk was concluded successfully amid sparks of ideas and wisdom.