On April 17, 2019, Dr. Shum Stephen Wan Hang, Associate Professor of CityUniversity of Hong Kong (CityU), upon invitation,arrived at the Business School, Central University of Finance and Economics(CUFE) for seven-day academic exchanges. On April 19, he delivered an academiclecture and symposium. The program is the “Bring in” of High-level ForeignTalents Supported by the Project of Introducing Talents of CUFE.
On themorning of April 19,AssociateProfessorStephen Shum gave a lecture on the subject of “Inthe Forefront of Operations Management” which attracted 50-odd studiousfreshmen from the CUFE Business School. The lecturer has taught the course ofOperationsManagementto many students at different academic levels in CityU and capturedremarkable achievements in related research in this field. In his lecture, Dr. StephenShum introduced the development of this discipline and its up-to-date trendsbased on his own studies in plain terms, and elaborated in-depth on the case ofquality management in operations management. After the lecture, students raisedmany questions and Dr. Stephen Shum answered these questions one by one.

On theafternoon of April 19, Dr.StephenShum held an academic symposium themed on “Dynamic Operations Management with Strategic Customers.”He and his partner combined two hot researchissues in operations management, namely customer behavior and dynamic inventorymanagement, and adopted the method of dynamic programming to study the impactof customer behavior on the inventory of perishable products. The research waspublished onOperations Research, a top-notch journal in businessstudies. Dr.StephenShum exhaustively explainedto Ph.D.students from the CUFE Business School in depth a series of questions, rangingfrom raising questions, building models to deducing results, and answeredquestions about how to publish articles on high-ranking journals.

Dr.Stephen Shum’s visit enhanced international cooperation between CUFE and other counterpartsin supply chain management (SCM) studies, improved the quality of relateddisciplines, and expanded academic influence of CUFE in the field of SCM.