Recently,He Xiuchao, Party Secretary of Central University of Finance and Economics(CUFE), led a delegation to inspect the CUFE Business School and MBA EducationCenter. All members of the Party Committee of the CUFE Business Schoolparticipated in the inspection, accompanied by heads of the CUFE Office, theOrganization Department, and the Human Resources Office.

WangRuihua, Dean of the CUFE Business School and Director of the MBA EducationCenter, introduced some basic information of the School (the Center included;the same below) in terms of its general situation, departments and disciplines,talent training, faculty, teaching and scientific research, and internationalexchange and accreditation, pointed out existing problems, and reported onfuture practices in accordance with the 13th Five-Year Plan of CUFE and the School’sdevelopment strategies.
Afterattentively listening to Dean Wang’s report, Party Secretary He Xiuchao highlyrecognized the achievements made by the CUFE Business School and MBA EducationCenter, appreciated their contributions to CUFE, and specified the requirementsfor their future work.