On April 25 and 26, the 2019 “Enterprising Long Ma” CupSpring Sports Games of Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE) washeld at the Shahe Campus. Wang Ruihua, Dean of the Business School and Directorof the MBA Education Center, attended the opening ceremony, and Wang Rong, ViceParty Secretary of the Business School, attended the closing ceremony. ViceDean Lin Song and Wang Rong led their school formation with five-starred red flagsin hands to receive the inspection of leaders on the rostrum. With the jointefforts of all faculty and students, the Business School and the School ofFinance stood out from the 26 competing schools and institutions and won the“Sportsmanship Award for 2019 CUFE ‘Enterprising Long Ma’ Cup Spring SportsGames.’”

During the two-day agenda, faculty and students of the Schoolparticipated in formation performance at the opening ceremony, and competed inteachers’ and students’ sports events and fun games; more than 30 athletescompeted in 29 sports events; four school workers participated in teachers’events and fun games; up to 51 students were included in the performing teamwhile 47 served as volunteers or games staff; and nearly 200 teachers andstudents watched the sports games at the Shahe Campus.

Inheritingthe legacy of endeavors for over seven decades, setting off a new journey with freshvitality — the Business School team
At 8:30 a.m. on April 26, the opening ceremony was held onthe athletic field of the Shahe Campus. The formation of the Business School wasdrawn up in front of all CUFE faculty and students for their inspection. ProfessorLin Song and Professor Wang Rong led the team with five-starred red flags inhands to march forward in front of the rostrum. The 51 students in the formation,full of vigor, presented a wonderful teacher-student interactive performance.The School’s Dream Express passed stations with different names of CUFE indifferent times. From the North China School of Taxation in 1949 to the CentralSchool of Taxation and to the present-day CUFE in 2019, it has been marchingforward fearlessly over the past seven decades against hardship and in atowering spirit, gone through those eventful years with the nation. From theformer Department of Economic Management to the present-day Business School, itembraces the fourth “Five-Year” development in 2019. Over the past 15 years,the School has passed on the torch of its cultures and traditions and created asplendid future along the tides of the era. With joint efforts, it has steeredthrough thick and thin, with its business administration discipline rated A-and granted AMBA accreditation . It is riding on an express of the eraadvancing to the future. In the future, they will “chase dreams” and “livedreams.” They will dream big and make relentless efforts in a towering spirit.Students put together their red heart-shaped balloons decorated by the five-starrednational flags to form the number 70 in celebration of the 70th anniversary oftheir motherland and alma mater. The performance was received with bursts ofapplause.

Demonstratingenterprising sportsmanship and forging ahead for a bright future — competitionson arena
On April 26, teachers of the School joined in thecompetitions actively, including Han Lan, Wang Rong, Wang Haiyan, and HuoAnting who competed in long jump and sandbag throwing respectively.
During the two-day games, athletes of the School, united asone, pulled out all the stops and brought home remarkable results. Inindividual events, Huang Qifeng and Li Ruichen retained their championshiptitles of men’s 5000m race and men’s sandbag throwing event with extraordinarystrength; Zheng Yuyuan, nicknamed “Cheetah,” played above par and took thesilver medal in men’s 100m sprints; Liu Jiaqi ranked the sixth in thepentathlon; and Yin Qianran landed at the eighth in women’s high jump. In teamcompetitions, the School ranked the fifth, the eighth and another eighth inmen’s 4×100m relay, women’s 4×100m relay, and Swedish mixed relay respectively.
The School demonstrated outstanding performance in fun gamesas well: it ranked first in the relay known as the Four Firefighters thanks torunners’ quick response, the second in football shoots, the third in basketballdribbling and shooting relay, and the fifth in sprint relay and kangaroo jump.These events put much more emphasis on teamwork and collaboration. The goodperformance of these contestants reflected dedicated training before the sportsgames.

Sufficientsafety guarantees and all-round services — backups for the sports games
This sports games, held at the Shahe Campus, received fullsupport from the School and made adequate preparations regarding personnelarrangements and safety guarantees. Vice Party Secretary Wang Rong organizedseveral themed work sessions to coordinate the efforts of the School Office,Student Affairs Office, and Communist Youth League so as to deliver good backups,make sound audience arrangements, and draw up an innovative formation plan. Mr.Wang oversaw formation rehearsals in person on the afternoon of April 21 andthe evening of April 24.
In terms of audience arrangements, nearly 200 undergraduates,graduates and MBA students met at the South College Road at 6:00 a.m. on April26, and went to the Shahe Campus together to attend the sports games and cheerfor our team and athletes.
Off-track staff and volunteers of the School’s Students’Union provided sound support services to ensure the smooth proceeding of thegames. They set up service stations aside the playground with drinks and othersupplies that helped athletes get refreshed along race tracks, organizedathlete check-in and provided supplies in an orderly way. They also set up alounge at the main teaching building so that teachers and students could have somewhereto catch a break.

Teachers and students of the Business School proactivelyparticipated in the CUFE Spring Sports Games, an annual sports event, anddemonstrated energetic vitality and enterprising sportsmanship as they madeconcerted efforts toward their goals. The towering spirit remains as vibrant asever after 70 years of development and keeps its pace with the times.