At14:00 on April 10, 2019, the 2nd Session of Girl’s Talk on “Me · Youth” of theBusiness School of Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE), themedon “Growth and Etiquette,” was held in Room 202 of the Academy Hall, CUFE. DongXiru, a national senior etiquette trainer and one of the first youthdevelopment instructors in China, was invited to give a lecture. Ge Jianxin,Party Secretary of the CUFE Business School, attended and addressed the event.

Inher remarks, Ge shared her own work experience and emphasized the importance of“women’s elegance and excellence to their family and the society.” Sheencouraged all attendees to earnestly learn etiquette from Ms. Dong to pursue full-bloombeauty in their prime.

Ms.Dong divided her lecture into four parts, including “female, woman and dreamgirl,” “dressing code decryption,” “fine and light make-up,” and “interviewetiquette”.
Besidesimparting knowledge, Ms. Dong also demonstrated how to put on make-ups, makehair updos, and choose the right accessories for outfits, which induced drovesof attendees to come up for a closer look.

At16:00 that day, the lecture came to a successful end amidst warm applauses.
Launchedin various forms, the Girl’s Talk on “Me · Youth,” a serial event initiated bythe CUFE Business School, aims to show an all-round care for female studentsand help them improve their comprehensive qualities. Me, namely oneself,harbors an aspiration that female students in the CUFE Business School cancherish their youth and continuously make progress in pursuit of their self-growthwith beauty in full blossom.