On January 9, 2019, the 13th CUFE Seminar on MBA Case-BasedTeaching was successfully held at the lecture theater of the MBA EducationCenter of Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE). Sponsored by theCUFE Business School, MBA Education Center,GraduateSchool, Office of Academic Affairs, Research Management Office, and Center forFaculty Development, the Seminar gathered over 60 attendees including MBA teachers,Business School professors, and all staff from the MBA Education Center. ProfessorJia Xiaojing, Vice Director of the CUFE MBA Education Center, presided over theSeminar.

Professor Wang Ruihua,Dean of the CUFEBusiness School and Director of the CUFE MBA Education Center, made a speech.He introduced toparticipantsthe progress and achievements of the CUFE Business School and its MBA programsin the previous year. Specifically, Professor Wang pointed out that the CUFE BusinessSchool is in a pivotal stage of AACSB accreditation and the third AMBAaccreditation.He also mentioned MBA case-basedteaching achievements:sevenvolumesof the proprietaryChina Business Administration: Selected Caseshavebeen published, entailing 239 special teaching cases with 13 management casesincluded in the national “Top 100 Excellent Business Administration Cases.”Hehoped that with the vigorous support of all functional departments and othersister schools, more unremitting efforts could be devoted to making case-basedteaching more effective, crafting more and better cases, and promoting theapplication of excellent cases to teaching, so as to improve the CUFE MBAeducation quality and further its development.

Later, Professor Jia Xiaojing announced winners of the Essay Contestof the 13th Seminar on MBA Case-Based Teaching, and Dean Wang Ruihua and ProfessorQi Lan jointly presented certificates to the winners.

Professor Zhao Xueyuan from the Auditing Department, School ofAccountancy, CUFE delivered a keynote speech titledCase-Based Teaching andCase Writing Experience Sharing,where she concluded theimprovements of her teaching methods and shared her experience in improvingcase-based teaching quality by means of strengthening study, deepeningpractical research, and cross-checking in class.

Jiang Feng, Associate Professor and Director of the Office ofInternational Accreditation and Quality Improvement of the CUFE Business School,delivered a keynote speech titledAACSB Accreditation Course Modules andRequirements, where he introduced AACSB accreditation modules and assuranceof learning (AOL) and citedOrganizational Behaviorto elaborateevaluation standards and materials.

So far it has been the 13th year since CUFE started its first MBAcase-based teaching seminar. The 13th Seminar reviewed and concluded the workof case-based teaching in 2018, invited excellent teachers to share the processand experience of case writing, and kicked off the essay competition of the 14thMBA Case-Based Teaching Essay Contest.