CUFE Business School Holds 2018 Alumni Work Conference and theMeeting of the 70th CUFE Anniversary
Onthe afternoon of December 30, 2018, the 2018 Alumni Work Conference and the Meetingof the 70thCUFEAnniversary wereheld at the lecture theater of the MBA Education Center, Central University ofFinance and Economics (CUFE). Wang Ruihua, Dean of the CUFE Business School andDirector of the MBA Education Center, Ge Jianxin,PartySecretary of the CUFE Business School,Lin Song, ViceDean of the CUFE Business School,Wang Rong, ViceParty Secretary of the CUFE Business School,JiaXiaojing, Vice Director of the MBA Education Center, and Zhang Dian, Dong Shuo,and Zhong Bin, teachers from the School, attended the Conference. Also presentwere alumni including Xu Yingjie, Vice Chair of the CUFE Beijing AlumniAssociation, Wang Zaiwen, Chair of the CUFE Business School Alumni Association,and Feng Daren, Chair of the MBA Alumni Association, and over 80 representativesof CUFE Business School alumni. The Conference was presided over by KongWeiming from the CUFE Business School and MBA Education Center.

A scene from the Conference
Professor Ge Jianxin started with a welcome speech. “In 2018, wecommitted ourselves to combining school development with individual developmentof alumni, which has enhanced the brand influence of the School and enrichedthe practical experiences and background of alumni,” said Ge. She went on to stressthat the vision of “a school without walls” and the aspiration that “graduationis not goodbye to school” would not have been realized without school alumniassociations. In her closing remarks, she thanked alumni from the bottom of herheart for making remarkable contributions to the School and their peersin 2018.

Professor Ge Jianxin,Party Secretary of the CUFE Business School
Then Chair Wang Zaiwen and Feng Daren reviewed their work in 2018and looked ahead into the future. Chair Wang shared his experience along thejourney as head of theCUFE Business SchoolAlumni Associationover the past fiveyears. He said that theAlumni Associationhas always upheld the “2+1+1” model, namely, serving both the universityand alumni, making unremitting explorations and innovations, and developing avariety of ongoing regular innovative activities. Feng expressed his thanks forSchool’s support and alumni’s dedications. He also pointed out that with thesupport and assistance of the CUFE Business School, the MBA Alumni Association hasestablished a network of up to nearly 4,000 MBA alumni distributed in differentsectors nationwide with 16 liaison branches successively set up in Hainan,Inner Mongolia, Shanghai, Sichuan and Tokyo, Japan. For years, the MBA Alumni Associationhas upheld the principles of serving alumni to enhance their communication andcooperation, and promoting exchanges between alumni and the alma mater, creatinga favorable environment for the alumni to start businesses or find jobs. He promisedthat the MBA Alumni Association would remain true to its original aspirationand keep its mission firmly in mind to bring higher honors to the alma materand the School.

WangZaiwen, Chair of the CUFE Business School Alumni Association

FengDaren, Chair of the MBA Alumni Association

XuYingjie, Vice Chair of the CUFE Beijing Alumni Association

Zhang Geng, Chair of the CUFE Business School Finance Club

Liu Junyan, Executive Chair of the MBA Accountancy Club

Shangguan Minna, an alumna

Dean Wang Ruihua and Party Secretary Ge Jianxin presented awardsto organizations with outstanding contributions

Chair Wang Zaiwen and Feng Daren presented awards to excellentteams

Xu Yingjie, Vice Chair of the CUFE Beijing Alumni Association, andLiu Xing, an alumna of Class 1995, presented awards to organizations with greatpotentials

Dean Wang Ruihua presented awards to winners of the Prize for SpecialContributions to Alumni Work

Party Secretary Ge Jianxin presented awards to winners of the Prizefor Special Contributions to Alumni Work

Vice Secretary Wang Rong presented awards to winners of the Prizefor Advanced Individual in Alumni Work

Vice Dean Lin Song presented awards to winners of the Prize forAdvanced Individual in Alumni Work

Vice Director Jia Xiaojing presented awards to winners of the Prizefor Advanced Individual in Alumni Work

Lv Shijie and Zhou Lixin, alumni of Class 1986 and 1987, presentedawards to winners of the Prize for Advanced Individual in Alumni Work

Zhang Geng, an alumnus of Class 1997, and Zhang Zhiwei from thefirst MBA class presented awards to winners of the Prize for AdvancedIndividual in Alumni Work

Lv Shijie, an alumnus of Class 1986

Liu Xing, an alumnus of Class 1995, School of Finance, CUFE

Zhang Zhiwei, an alumnus of the first MBA class

YuichiInoue, an international alumnus of the first MBA class

Deng Qing, an MBA alumnus of Class 2010

WangRuihua, Dean of the CUFE Business School and Director of the MBA EducationCenter

Group photo
In his concluding speech, Dean Wang Ruihua stressed the importanceof the 70th anniversary of CUFE. Then he went on to introduce important arrangementsof the university and called upon alumni to actively participate in variousanniversary events and pool all wisdom and strength for the development oftheir alma mater. After that, he revealed the recent outstanding performance ofthe CUFE Business School and its future development direction and goals. He spokehighly of the work of the CUFE Business School Alumni Association and expressedhis high expectations for its future endeavors. Dean Wang attached specialimportance to the integral role of alumni associations in integrating alumniresources and hoped that alumni could join hands to address challenges andproblems. In the end, Dean Wang encouraged all attendees to blaze new trails ina pioneering spirit and strive for more and better achievements in the comingyear!