26 December 2018,CUFE Business Schoolheld the 2ndSession ofthe 3rdFaculty Conference.Professor Wang Ruihua, Dean of CUFE Business School andDirector of MBA Education Centre,Professor Ge Jianxin, Secretory of CUFE Business School Party Committee,and other board members were present. The conference was hosted byProfessor Zhou Liguo, Chair of theCUFE Business School Labor Union.

ProfessorGe Jianxin, Secretory of CUFE Business School Party Committee, addressedfor the conference. Professor Ge expressed her gratitudeto faculty and staff who had vigorously promoted the development of CUFEBusiness School Labor Union over the past year. From the point of view of theclose cooperation between the party work and the labor union work of the school,she explained that the labor union activities were an important part of the school.Everyone was the participator of the school’s happy culture development.

Professor Ge Jianxin, Secretory of CUFE Business School Party Committee,addressingfor the conference
Professor Wang Ruihua, Dean of CUFE Business Schooland Director of MBA Education Centre, presented thesummary report of the school’s work in 2018.The report stressedthe implementation ofCUFE BusinessSchool’s development strategy, and the hard work of running the differentiationand internationalization strategies on the basis of high starting point andhigh standards. CUFE Business School strived to create a development environment,focus on communication and coordination externally, and establish a harmoniousand efficient work team internally. The international cooperation and exchangelevel was promoted, AoL was implemented,the qualityof talent training had been improving constantly, and the ability of scientificresearch and innovation had been enhanced. The report comprehensively reviewedthe work and achievements in 2018 from the aspects of party and student affairs.After several years of implementation, the effects were gradually appeared andthe impact of the school had gradually increased. In 2018, the school achieveda number of breakthroughs in several aspects. The first advisory board meetingwas a success. The AACSB international accreditation had been developed withsignificant progress. The ISER had been successfully adopted which led theschool approach to the most critical stage of the accreditation. In addition,Dean Wang also reported to the conference regarding the school’s financialbalance in 2018.

Professor Wang Ruihua, Dean of CUFE Business School and Director of MBAEducation Centre, presenting the summary of the school’s work in 2018
After Dean Wang’s presentation, Professor Zhou Liguo,Chair of the CUFE Business School Labor Union, reported to the conferenceregarding the summary report of the school’s labor union work in 2018. Thereport summarized the main work of the labor union in the 2018, including dailywork, organizing faculty and staff to participate in activities, the innovationin labor union activities, the quantitative assessment results of the tradeunion, etc. The school’s labor unions had made great achievements in promotingthe development of school’s strategies, meeting the spiritual needs of facultyand staff, and applying new ideas to work. Professor Zhou also reported to theConference regarding the financial income and expenditure of the labor union.

Professor Zhou Liguo, Chair of theCUFE Business School Labor Union
After the presentations,all attendees discussed and approved the 2018 CUFE Business SchoolWork Summaryand the 2018 CUFEBusiness School Labor Union Work Summary.
The 2ndSessionof the 3rdFaculty Conference of CUFE Business School was endedsuccessfully.