At14:00 on January 12, 2019, sponsored by the MBA Tax Club of Central Universityof Finance and Economics (CUFE) and co-organized by Zhongcaihuizhi (Beijing)Enterprise Management Co., Ltd., the lecture on “Interpretation of NewIndividual Income Tax Law and Tax Planning Skills” was held successfully inRoom 202 of the Academy Hall of CUFE. The featured guest of the event was ChengLiyuan, General Manager of The Tax Cinda. As a practitioner in tax authoritiesfor over ten years, Mr. Cheng served the posts of tax administration staff,head of tax inspection department, and head of tax collection departmentsuccessively. Boasting work experience in a number of Fortune 500 multinationalcompanies and listed companies, he has profound expertise inproblems inenterprises’ tax management, with an acute insight into and judgment of the latesttax policies and tax forms.

Inhis lecture, Mr. Cheng centered on several questions, including: What has beenchanged by the new individual income tax (IIT) law? Who should charge specialadditional deductions, and how? What are the dos and don’ts for taxpayers underthe new law? How to reduce one’s tax burdens without violating the law? Whatare the precautions for enterprises? He gave an intensive interpretation ofeight major changes after the IIT reform, profoundly analyzed the specialadditional deductions, pointed out knotty problems in the new tax policies, andparticularly explained the IIT calculation for one-time annual bonuses. Usingcase studies to illustrate optimal plans for IIT deductions, he managed to helpall attendees fully understand and figure out such deductions practically inplain terms, and elaborated on ways to effectively reduce tax burdens againstthe background of new policies and situations.

Duringthe interaction session, Mr. Cheng answered relevant questions raised bystudents present perking up an enthusiastic atmosphere.

Afterthe nearly three-hour lecture, students made great gains and fostered acomprehensive understanding of new individual income tax policies. The eventcame to a successful end. In the future, the CUFE MBA Tax Club will continueorganizing tax-themed events in diversified forms and with rich contents.Please follow our WeChat subscription account “CUFE MBA Tax Club” for moreinformation.