19 December 2018,the 6thCUFE Business School Enterprise ManagementAcademic Working Paper Contest and Lecture washeld successfully.Professor Wang Ruihua, Dean of CUFEBusiness School and Director of MBA Education Centre,Professor Lin Song, Vice Dean of CUFE Business School,werepresent.Dr. Lin Lin, AssociateProfessor, and Dr. Zhu Xiji,fromOB and HRM department,Ms.Wang Shihui, Championship winner of the 3rdCUFE Business SchoolEnterprise Management Academic Working Paper Contest, tutors, and student representativesfrom all degree levels were attended.
Before the contest,the video of previous events of the CUFE Business School Enterprise ManagementAcademic Working Paper Contest was reviewed and the last winners sent theirgreetings to their successors. The wonderful video was deeply impressive. The 6thevent was opened after the video review.
Professor WangRuihua, Dean of CUFE Business School and Director of MBA Education Centre,addressed the opening remarks for the contest. From the view ofCUFE Business School’s mission of“contributing to new knowledge of management, cultivating leaders with globalvision, innovative spirit and sense of social responsibilities”, Dean Wangstressed that students in CUFE Business School should have the courage to shouldertheir responsibilities. Taking the training models of Stanford University,Harvard University and Sun Yat-sen University as examples, Dean Wang pointedout that, students should not only be satisfied with knowledge learning, butalso pay attention to the improvement of various abilities, so as to adapt tothe changes of the times. While CUFE Business School had been thinking abouthow to train students’ practical abilities through teaching and learning,students’ scientific thinking training was also important by “2 classes, 2camps and 2 competitions”. Dean Wang said that, paper-writing was acomprehensive way of training to improve the abilities of self-thinking,logical analysis and expressing. It was hoped that the students would persevereand actively participate in such events. At last, Dean Wang expressed hisappreciations to the faculty members for their hard work and wished the contesta complete success.

Professor Lin Song,Vice Dean of CUFE Business School, introduced the profile of the contest to allstudents. First of all,ProfessorLinintroduced the types and corresponding logical structures of anacademic paper. Professor Lin stressed the key issues inthe process of writing an academic paper, and theawarding criteria of the contest.Professor Linsaid that, the students would gain a lot in the process ofwriting an academic paper. Professor Lin hoped that the students would enjoythe process and wished them good luck in the contest.

Dr. LinLin, Associate Professor from OB and HRMdepartment, introduced theacademic rookie elite classto all students. Dr. Lin saidthat, the students would not only get professional guidance from accomplishedacademic instructors, but also improve their logical thinking, writing abilities,project management abilities, communication and coordination abilities, etc.after the training of theacademicrookie elite class. Dr. Lin presented the application procedures, thelearning mode and the criteria for completion of the academic rookie eliteclass to all students. Dr. Lin expressed her appreciations to the hard work ofall instructors of the class and congratulated the previous students for theiraccomplishments.

Dr. ZhuXiji, from OB and HRM department, gave alecture on the topic of “Poetry and Future in Research”. The lecture had 4sessions,compromiseat present,poetry and future, thinking of poetry and future, and herbs& trees are promising. Dr. Zhu analyzed the potential difficulties andsolutions in the process of doing research, and hoped that the students wouldintegrate the compromise at present and the poetry and future, in their futureresearch.

Ms. Wang Shihui, Championship winner of the 3rdCUFEBusiness School Enterprise Management Academic Working Paper Contest, sharedher experience in academic paper writing. Ms. Wang Shihui was the one of thefirst students of the 1stacademic rookie elite class. Currently,she is a PhD candidate in PKU.

The 6thCUFE Business School Enterprise Management Academic Working Paper Contest andLecture was held successfully. The research journey had been opened up and theacademic career was a long journey. CUFE Business School hoped that the studentswould become outstanding talents with global vision and sense of responsibilitiesand mission, and contribute unremitting efforts to academic research.