10-12 December,Professor Wang Ruihua, Dean of CUFE Business School, led the delegation andvisited two prestigious universities in the US. The delegation deliberated overstudent exchange as well as research cooperation issues with the partners. Themembers of the delegation included Professor Jia Xiaojing, Vice Director of theMBA Education Centre, and Associate Professor Qu Riliang from CUFE BusinessSchool.
The delegation visitedBrandeisUniversityon 10 December. Professor Kathryn Graddy,Dean ofInternational Business School,Professor Linda T.M. Bui, Vice Dean of International Business School, ProfessorBenjamin Gomes Casseres, Director of the MBA Programs, Ms. Meredith Robitaille,Director of Academic and student affairs,Ms. Anna Shur Wilson, Vice Director of Academic and student affairs, andProfessor Steve Qing Xi Xia from Brandeis University attended the meeting. DeanGraddy introduced the history and developments of the International BusinessSchool, and looked forward to the future cooperation on MBA programs betweenthe two sides.Dean Wangintroduced the general facts of CUFE as well as CUFE Business School, andexpressed the sincere intention of cooperation between the two sides. The twosides discussed the cooperation details and exchanged views especially on the “1+1”scheme design of MBA programs, schedule and arrangements etc. and reached onmutual consents. The meeting was concluded with substantive accomplishments. Afterthe meeting, the delegation visited the campus ofBrandeis Universityand learned more about the deep academicaccumulation and excellent academic achievements of the university.

Meeting with the Deanand other colleagues from International BusinessSchool,Brandeis University
The delegationvisitedUniversity of Massachusetts at Lowellon11 December. Professor Michael E Vayda,ProvostofUniversity of Massachusetts at Lowell, Dr.SandraB. Richermeyer,Dean ofManning Business School,Dr. NancyM. Ludwig, Vice Dean of Manning Business School, Dr.Yi Yang, Head of the Department of Entrepreneurship andInnovation, Mr. Ashwin Mehta, Senior Lecturer, Dr. Sunny Li Sun, AssociateProfessor from Manning Business School received the delegation. Provost Vaydawelcomed Dean Wang and his colleagues for the visit, introduced the generalprofile ofUniversity of Massachusetts at Lowell.DeanRichermeyer introduced the history and development plans of theManning Business School. Dean Wang introduced the general situation of CUFE aswell as CUFE Business School, and expressed his appreciations to ManningBusiness School for receiving 6 MBA students from CUFE Business School for the2018 GEI workshop. Dean Wang indicated that CUFE Business School would selectand send distinct MBA students for the GEI workshop in the future. Afterwards,the two sides discussed and exchanged ideas on the cooperation of the “4+1”undergraduate program, and the possibilities and development plan of the “1+1”master’s program. The delegation also had a brief meeting with representativesof Chinese professors from the University of Massachusetts at Lowell. Themeeting was focused on how to carry out cooperation on innovation and entrepreneurshipeducation projects between the two universities, and reached a number of consensuses.

Meeting with the Provost, Dean of Manning Business School andother colleagues fromUniversityof Massachusetts at Lowell

Group picture withChinese professors in Universityof Massachusetts at Lowell
BrandeisUniversity is located in Waltham,Massachusetts,which is near the Boston city. Founded in 1948, Brandeis University is a young,research-oriented, and well-acknowledged private university. BrandeisUniversity is ranked top 35 in the US by the US NEWS. Brandeis University is amongtop universities in the US in the disciplines of business, biochemistry, economics,physics, mathematics, etc. Among the alumni, there are 5 Pulitzer Prizewinners, 1 Turing Prize winner, 1 Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry and 2 NobelPrize winners in Physiology or Medicine.
Universityof Massachusetts at Lowellis a public researchuniversity located in Lowell, Massachusetts, and is part of the University ofMassachusetts. The predecessor of the University of Massachusetts at Lowell isLowell University, which was founded in 1975. LowellUniversity was integrated by Lowell State University and Lowell Institute ofTechnology, which were founded in the 90s of the 19thcentury. Theuniversity was formallyentitledthe University of Massachusetts at Lowell in 1991. University of Massachusettsat Lowell is famous for its disciplines in sciences and engineering, and scoreda first to grant the Bachelor of Sciences in Plastics Engineering in the US. TheManning Business School of University of Massachusetts at Lowell, which wasaccreditedby AACSB, provides bachelors,masters, PhD’s and MBA programs.
The visit hasgreatly promoted the in-depth cooperation betweenCUFE Business Schooland prestigious universities in theUS. It is conducive to consolidating and expanding the friendly partnerships inthe long run, promoting the development of international platforms and theimplementation of internationalization strategy of CUFE Business School, andenhancing its influence and competitivenessworldwide.