14December,President FujiiTaeru,ProfessorNiitsu Sigeyuki, Associate Professor KobayashiKoichi from TakachihoUniversity visited CUFE Business School. The two sides co-organized the“International Seminar on China-Japan Family Business Management”.Professor Ge Jianxin, Chair of theBusiness School Board, Professor Lin Song, Vice Dean of CUFE BusinessSchool, Professor Zhou Weizhong, Associate Professor Liu Xiaoyuan and Dr. YuXiaodong from Department of Strategy, Dr. Zhang Guangli from Department ofFinancial Management, were present. Student representatives from all degreelevels attended the seminar.
Professor GeJianxin, Chair of the Business School Board, addressed a speech at thebeginning of the seminar. Professor Ge passed on the welcome and appreciationsof Professor Wang Ruihua, Dean of the CUFE Business School, approved theresearch collaboration results of the two sides, and hoped that the two sideswould explore new fields of cooperation and come up with new researchachievements through continuous improvement and innovation. Professor NiitsuSigeyuki and Associate Professor Kobayashi were invited to give keynotespeeches on the topic of “2020/the 4thIndustrial Revolution andStrategic Change of Marketing” and “Family Business in Japan: Features andResearch Perspectives”, respectively. After the keynote speech session, theprofessors and students had a discussion session. They discussed and exchangedviews on topics and contents of interests.
President Fujii and Professor Ge addressedsummary remarks for the seminar on behalf of the two sides. They reviewed theachievements of the cooperative research and looked forward to the futurecooperation.

CUFE and Takachiho University hadreached the friendly cooperative relationships since more than ten years ago.The two sides set up a cooperative research group, which focuses on theresearch of SMEs and family business in China and Japan, and had achievedprestigious research findings which were published in both China and Japan.Thecooperation between the two sides played a good exemplar and driving role inthe research cooperation practice between CUFE and overseas prestigiousuniversities, which has been promoting the development of the internationalizationof CUFE.