8 December, led byMs. Sun Xiang, tutor for undergraduate students of year 2017, 37 undergraduatestudents from CUFE Business School visited CITIC Construction Securities (CCS). The activity was supportedby the Live Broadcasting for Famous Enterprises Program hosted by CUFE BusinessSchool Tutors Studio and Demonstration Base of Moral Education & CareerQualities Training Center, CUFE Business School.The CITIC Construction SecuritiesInvestors Education Basewas awarded the title of the2thBatchof National Investor Education Basesby CSRC.The aim of this activity was to raise the students’ awareness of risk in securitiesinvestment, enhance their understanding of the securities industry and theirprofessionalaccomplishments.
The event startedwith a visit to theinvestoreducation base. Mr. Li Long from CCS interpreted the developments andcurrent situation of CCS, and led the students to appreciate the rapid andvigorous developments of China’s securities industry.

Under the guidanceof professional commentators, the students visited the historical area, theproducts area, the concepts area and the risk area of theinvestor education base. They had a preliminaryunderstanding of the historical development of securities, the portfolio ofappropriate types of securities, thecultivationof successful investment ideas, and thepreventionand response toinvestment risks.

Mr. Yang Xinyu, headof the investor education base, was invited to give a salon lecture on thetopic ofStarting of a Job: Future Preparations for Job-seekers, anddiscussed with the students on industry choices, job-hunting preparations andpsychologicaladjustment that everyone concerned about. Mr. Yang suggestedthat college students must know what jobs they would like to do and what jobsare most suitable.
If students would like toget better work experience, it is suggested that they would try to work on a broaderplatform. Large enterprises encourage strong culture and senses of professionalhonor and identity, which could make their employees more motivated. Smallenterprises have weak risk resistance and less opportunities due to limitedfunds, so it is difficult to work with talents with strong abilities. As forjob hunting preparation, Mr. Yang put forward the saying in the Book of Rites:Everything would be done upon beforehand preparations, otherwise would be failed.Before taking the position, the students must have a good understanding of theindustry, the company and the position, and then decide whether to take it.Before the interview, the students should prepare some sample questions, suchas “What disadvantages do you think you have” in case the interviewer suddenly throwsout such questions. Regarding thepsychologicalpreparation of job-hunting, Mr. Yang said thatjob-hunting is a process of mutual matching between employers and employees. Thecandidate employees shouldperformtruly and frankly, while neither submissively nor being nervous. It isimportant to develop professional habits. Regarding the recruitment of CCS, Mr.Yang also mentioned that the screening process of talents in CCS Headquartersis mainly focused on students from QinghuaU, PKU, RMU, CUFE, and UIBE. CUFE is amongthe first batch of candidate universities. CCS offers massive internshipopportunities. Students could get relevant information from the universitylevel.

Therewas a Q&A session offered by staff from HRM department after the interpretation.After two hours’ visiting, the students not only learned related knowledge of securities,but also job-hunting skills. The visit would help students to clarify their developmentdirections and was beneficial for their career development.