5-14 December 2018, Dr. MassimilianoPellegrini, Associate Professor from University of Rome Tor Vergata was invitedfor academic communications in CUFE Business School. Dr. MassimilianoPellegrini delivered keynote speeches and seminars on 7and 11December, respectively. The academic communication was funded by CUFE TalentsIntroducing Programs.

7 December, Dr. MassimilianoPellegrini delivered a keynote speech on the topic ofSocio-culturalbarriers to entrepreneurship: studying female students’ intentions andeducation in the Arab world. In developing countries, the proportion offemale entrepreneurship is increasing, which has increasing driven force forthe economic development. However, research results show that womenentrepreneurial tendencies are still lower than men. This phenomenon is rootedin complex problems in the economic, social and cultural environment,especially in the Arab world. Dr. Pellegrini’s research highlighted how astrong and supportive education system could reduce people’s perception ofpotential barriers to entrepreneurship to some extent.

11 December, Dr. MassimilianoPellegrini delivered a seminar on the topic ofA philosophical approach toentrepreneurship education: a classification of contents and pedagogies. Inthe field of entrepreneurship education, how to formulate an effectiveentrepreneurship education program has always been the focus of debate.Previous studies generally concluded the appropriate scope and structure ofentrepreneurship education by analyzing the experience and results ofeducational projects. On the contrary, Dr. Pellegrini’s research was based onKant’s and Aristotle’s behavioral philosophy theory, and applied the deductivemethod to establish a comprehensive model. It determined the teaching methodsand comprehensive teaching methods related to each component of entrepreneurshipeducation, which had a strong inspiration for the construction of the coreconcept of entrepreneurship education.
Dr. Massimiliano Pellegrini’s visitfurther enhanced the international collaboration in the field ofentrepreneurship education in CUFE Business School.