November 27,CUFE Business Schooland InterGest Worldwide held the “Outsourcing in International Business and the Orderly Exit of Enterprise’s Overseas Operations Seminar” successfully.Professor Peter Anterist, CEO of InterGest Worldwide and Guest Professor ofCUFE Business School, was invited to speak at theseminar. Professor Sun Guohui, VP of CUFE, Professor Zhao Lifen, Director ofthe CUFE Teaching Committee, Professor Wang Ruihua, Dean of CUFE BusinessSchool, Professor Ge Jianxin, Chair of the CUFE Business School Board,Professor Lin Song,Vice Dean of CUFE Business School, andProfessor Yu Guangtao, Vice Dean of CUFE Business School, were attended.Faculty members and students from CUFE Business School attended the seminar.

Professor Peter Anterist,CEO of InterGest Worldwide and Guest Professor of CUFE Business School,demonstrated cases in international business outsourcing and issues thatenterprises encountered in expanding overseas markets based on his experiencein international business and management. After the speech,ProfessorPeter Anteristand faculty and students discussed issues such as how toexpand overseas markets and the orderly exit of enterprise’s overseas operations,etc. on the basis of internationalization. The seminar was highly interactive. Studentsfrom CUFE Business School raised constructive questions which were highlyacknowledged by Professor Peter Anterist.

After the seminarsession,CUFE Business Schoolorganized a screening and interview session for oversea internships. Professor PeterAnterist hosed the interviews for candidate students. Students from CUFEBusiness School are always highly motivated to participate in overseas programs.Over 40 students came for the screening session. After the interviews,Professor Peter Anterist highly approved the students’ extensive professionalknowledge, excellent English proficiency and stable performance.

CUFE Business School and InterGestWorldwidehas established a long-term friendly strategic cooperation partnership since2002. Each year, InterGest Worldwide fully supports two master students forinternships in Europe. Those international communication opportunities had beenhighly approved by students from CUFE Business School. The friendship andcollaboration between CUFE Business School and InterGest Worldwide has grandcontributions to the development of business and management disciplines as wellas internationalization of CUFE.