November17 and 18,CUFE Business Schoolhosted the “2018Literature Guiding and Paper Writing inthe Frontier of Regional Entrepreneurship Seminar”.The seminar aimed to help young scholars who are interested in the research fieldof entrepreneurship and innovation. The seminar focused on the topic of regionalentrepreneurship, the attendees discussed literatures in related fields and howto write academic papers for publication regarding the characteristics of SSCIjournals. Young faculty members and PhD candidates from Tongji University,Harbin University of Technology, Southwest University of Finance and Economics,Shanghai University, and Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics attendedthe seminar.

Professor AlistairAnderson from Lancaster University, Chief Editor of theEntrepreneurship andRegional Development, and Professor Steve Si from Bloomsburg University,Chair Professor and Director of the Entrepreneurship Institute, School ofManagement, Zhejiang University, were invited to speak at the seminar. The twoexperts explained how to write high-quality papers based on demonstrating thelatest literatures in the field of regional entrepreneurship and regarding thepublication requirements of theEntrepreneurship and Regional Development.The two experts’ insights brought great inspirations and benefits to theattendees as per their feedbacks.

CUFE BusinessSchool had held annual seminars on entrepreneurship research and paper writingsince 2013. Based on the series of seminars, a working platform for youngscholars to communicate and cooperate in the field of entrepreneurship had beencreated, which had greatly enhanced the social influence of CUFE BusinessSchool in related fields.