In order to enhance the academic atmosphere and promote the academiccommunications and cooperation between faculty and students, 2 online sessions of New Year Academic Forums under the theme“New Infrastructure • New Business • New Management”were held on December 30 and December 31, 2020. The forums were open to faculty, students and alumni of CUFE Business School.

Opening Ceremony
On December 30th, 2020, the first academic forum was hosted by Associate Professor Zhang Guangli of CUFE Business School. Professor Lin Song, Dean of CUFE Business School delivered an opening speech. Professor Lin pointed out the necessity of holding the forums and the significance of promoting academic exchanges between faculty and students.Professor Lin emphasized that it was necessary to hold the New Year Academic forums every year,so as to activate the academic atmosphere of the Schooland streng then academic research.5 young professors from CUFE Business School shared their academic achievements in the forum. The topics were,“HASTE Makes Waste: Manager's Financial Background and Myopic Management”, by Dr.Gu Leilei, Associate Professor from Department of Marketing;“Political Connection and Corporate Performance”by Dr. Li Jiapeng from Department of Strategy;“A Daily Investigation of Death”by Dr. Ji Yueting from Department of Organization and HRM”;“Research on Influencing Factors of Survey Data Quality in Mobile Internet Environment”by Dr. Yao Kai from Department of Marketing; and“Major Government Customers, Institutional Heterogeneity, and Stock Price Crash Risk” by Associate Professor Dou Chao from Department of Financial Management. During the exchange session, guest speakers gave suggestions from professional perspectives. Professors and students had full discussions and exchanges upon academic issues.

Academic Achievements Sharing 1
On December 31, 2020, the second academic forum was hosted by Associate Professor Zhu Xiji of CUFE Business School.Another 5 young professors from CUFE Business School shared their academic achievements in the forum. The topicswere“Large-scale Time Series Forecasting with Applications”by Associate Professor Li Feng from School of Statistics and Mathematics;“Mining User Behavior in Heterogeneous Information Networks”by Associate Professor Wang Xi from School of Information”;“Unstructured Data and Marketing Research” by Dr.Sun Luping, Associate Professor from CUFE Business School;“Optimal Procurement Mechanism under Limited Cost Information”by Dr.Cheng Qian, Associate Professor of CUFE Business School; and“Empirical Investigations of ConsumerBehavior on the on-demand Platform”by Dr.Nina Yan, Professor of CUFE Business School.Professors presented their academic achievements. Youngprofessors fromrelevant academic background and disciplines shared their perspectivesin the communication and discussion session.

Academic Achievements Sharing 2

New Year’sGreetings
The 2021 CUFE Business School New Year Academic Forums were concluded successfully. The forums showed the academic accomplishments of young professors.During the forum,faculty and students fully discussed the application of data science in management and their research prospects, which made beneficial exploration for the interdisciplinary proposal of“business + data science”raised by CUFE Business School.The School will continue to host New Year forums, encourage academic communications between departments and disciplines, and promote academic developments the School.