November 12, 2019, the 7th Tencent Business School Development Forum, hosted by Tencent News, was successfully held in Beijing. The forum announced the awards list of role models for business education in China in 2019, including outstanding figures, schools and universities, program representatives of the year. CUFE-BS won the title of “2019 Brand Value Business School”.

CUFE-BS won the 2019 Brand Value Business School
Professor Lin Song, Dean of CUFE Business School and Director of the MBA Education Centre, was invited to the forum. Dean Lin attended the summit dialogue and received an exclusive interview from Tencent. Huang Jixin and Liu Xinfeng from MBA Education Centre, MBA student Pan Jiabin also attended.

Round-table forum
The mission of CUFE-BS is, “Contribute to advance business knowledge and nurture future leader with a global vision, an innovative spirit and a sense of social responsibility”. CUFE-BS is committed to train student home-state consciousness, home-state feelings, and enhance the student social responsibility consciousness, and train the students to change the society and build the nation.

Dean Lin speaking at the round-table forum
Dean Linalso said that,in the new era of new technology and new knowledge, the business schools havenew opportunitiesto face the challenges. In the time of changing digital economy, enterprisesurgentlyrequirefurthercooperation withbusinessschools,so as to enhanceitsoperationandmanagement. Therefore, the business school’s contribution to new knowledgewilltake precedence over the practice of enterprises.

Dean Lin received a special interview from Tencent
After the end of the event,DeanLinreceived a special interview from Tencenton the development planning and vision ofCUFE-BS, the training mode and focus of business education.