25 September 2019, Professor Jeffery McMullen from University of Indiana visited CUFE Business School and delivered an academic lecture. The title of the lecture isJournal of Business Venturing and the State of the Field of Entrepreneurship.

According to his many years of experience as the chief editor of Journal of Business Venturing journals, Professor Jeffery McMullen shared the skills and experience of successfully contributing to the top international journals, and introduced the latest achievements and progress in the field of entrepreneurship, so as to provide guidance and help with the writing of academic papers for faculty and students of CUFE Business School.
Professor Jeffery McMullen is the chief editor ofJournal of Business Venturing(FT50, AA Journal), Professor Jeffery McMullen serves for the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. He has been engaged in entrepreneurship research and has published dozens of papers in top journals such asAcademy of Management Journal(UTD24, AAA),Academy of Management Review(UTD24, AAA),Journal of Business Venturing(FT50, AA), etc.
Professor Jeffery McMullen’s visit has further strengthened the international cooperation of CUFE Business School in the field of entrepreneurship research, promoted the level of related disciplines, and expanded the academic impact in the field of entrepreneurship.