28May – 28 July 2019, Professor Zou Shaoming from University of Missouri, visitedCUFE Business School for academic cooperation and teaching. The program is theCUFE outstanding overseas professor program funded by CUFE.

Thecontents of the teaching and research of Professor Zou included: taught coursefor PhD candidates,Using the SEM in Marketing Research; open lectureson the operation of the software; professional lectures, and academic seminarswith the faculty and doctoral students from CUFE Business School, and coachingof how to write doctoral thesis for PhD candidates.

ProfessorZou Shaoming is an internationally acknowledged international marketing expert,who has been engaging in teaching and research in international marketing formore than 20 years, and has high academic accomplishments and rich teachingexperience in this field. Professor Zou’s visit has further strengthened theinternational cooperation of CUFE Business School in the field of internationalmarketing research, promoted the construction level of related disciplines, andexpanded the academic impact of CUFE Business School in the field ofinternational marketing.