On March 23, 2019, the “Global Innovation Program for Long Ma Entrevestors” ofCentral University of Finance and Economics (CUFE) was officially launched atthe CUFE MBA Education Center. Attendees of the inauguration ceremony includedLin Zuoming, a member of the 18th CPC Central Committee, former Chairman of theBoard and Secretary of the Leading Party Members’ Group of the AviationIndustry Corporation of China, Ltd. (AVIC), and President of the ChineseSociety of Aeronautics and Astronautics (CSAA), Shi Jianping, Vice President ofCUFE, Wang Ruihua, Dean of the CUFE Business School and Director of the MBAEducation Center, Yu Guangtao, Vice Dean of the CUFE Business School, teacherrepresentatives, and students of the inaugural class of the program.

ShiJianping, Vice President of CUFE, addressed the event
VicePresident Shi Jianping attended and addressed the event.

WangRuihua, Dean of the CUFE Business School and Director of the MBA EducationCenter, delivered remarks
ProfessorWang Ruihua made an intensive introduction to the strength and characteristicsof the CUFE Business School in his speech.

WanGang, a representative of the CUFE Long Ma Research Institute sponsors, made aspeech
WanGang, a representative of the CUFE Long Ma Research Institute sponsors, made animpressive speech and announced the convention of Long Ma students.

ProfessorLin Zuoming, a member of the 18th CPC Central Committee, former Chairman of theBoard and Secretary of the Leading Party Members’ Group of AVIC, and Presidentof CSAA, gave a lecture
Followingthe inauguration ceremony, Professor Lin Zuoming elaborated on such topics asTheNature of Virtual EconomyandThe Art of Enterprise Strategiesin anaccessible and engaging way, imparting a lot of practical knowledge and skills.He also answered students’ questions amid an enthusiastically interactive classroomatmosphere.

Studentslistened to the lecture

ProfessorLin answered questions raised by students
Withthe launch of this Long Ma program, CUFE will break new ground in the buildingof global visions. In the future, students of the inaugural class of the“Global Innovation Program for Long Ma Entrevestors” will set sail on alearning journey to unlock the CUFE treasure trove of knowledge.
