Business School NewsNews
A Journey of Data Sets Sail: Closing Ceremony of the 3rd BigData Elite Class and Opening Ceremony of the 4th Class Held Successfully
Date :2019-03-28

On March 27, 2019, as students of the 3rd Big Data Elite Class of the BusinessSchool, Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE), completed theircourses, new blood was infused into the 4th Class of the big family. In theafternoon, teachers and students gathered together with great delight in Room110 of the main teaching building.


Hosted by Li Ji, a form teacher of the BigData Elite Class, the event was attended by Zhang Su, Deputy Director of theCUFE Teaching Affairs Office, Wang Ruihua, Dean of the CUFE Business School, YuGuangtao, Vice Dean of the CUFE Business School, and Wang Yi, Director of the Departmentof Marketing. Other attendees included students of the 3rd Class who hadcompleted the program and new faces of the 4th Class who just came aboard for alearning journey of big data.


Pic. 1 Ona balmy spring day, teachers and students gathered together for the event


LiJi first expressed appreciation to all guests and students for theirattendance, and then reviewed the development of the Class in recent years andshowcased its teaching syllabuses.


Next,Professor Wang Ruihua delivered opening remarks.

Pic 2.Dean Wang Ruihua addressed the event


Studentswere all deeply impressed by what Dean Wang said in his speech followed by theprogram completion ceremony.


Pic. 3 Agroup photo of teachers and post-completion students


Afterthe award ceremony, two outstanding post-completion students shared theirexperience over the past year with other attendees.


Pic. 4 Outstandingstudents made remarks


Nearthe end of the event, Deputy Director Zhang Su delivered concluding remarks.


Pic. 5Deputy Director Zhang Su addressed the event


Atthe end of the event, Li Ji made class arrangements for the post-completion 3rdClass students to step into the next level, and the incoming 4th Class studentsto embark on a new journey, and created WeChat groups for the convenience ofacademic discussions.



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