On October 29, 2018, the Inaugural Conference 2018 of AdvisoryBoard of Business School, Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE)was held successfully in Room 604 of Academic Hall. Professor Wang Yaoqi,President of CUFE, and Professor Li Tao, Assistant President of CUFE, attendedthe Conference. Other attendees included Professor Ajay Vinzé, a member of thefirst Advisory Board of the CUFE Business School and Dean of the TrulaskeCollege of Business at the University of Missouri, Mr. Jin Peng, a board memberand General Manager of Sinolink Securities, Professor Li Junsheng, former VicePresident of CUFE, Mr. Tao Dong, Managing Director of Credit Suisse AG,Professor Wang Fanghua, former Dean of Antai College of Economics andManagement, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU/Antai), and Mr. Yang Shujian, aboard member and President of Bank of Beijing Co., Ltd. All members of the CPCCommittee and administrative staff of the CUFE Business School were inattendance as well.

A scene from theConference
The Conference consisted of two sessions. The first session wasthe inaugural meeting of the firstAdvisory Board of the CUFEBusiness School, which was presided over by Professor Ge Jianxin, PartySecretary of the CUFE Business School. CUFE President Wang Yaoqi deliveredopening remarks. She first expressed a sincere welcome to all Advisory Boardmembers on behalf of CUFE, and extended warm congratulations on theinauguration of the Advisory Board. After that, she gave a brief introductionto the history and achievements of CUFE and its Business School. According toher, CUFE has forged distinctive features over the past 70 years and is nowacclaimed as the “the Cradle of Giants in the Field of Finance and Management”;the CUFE Business School is responsible for developing the discipline ofmanagement science and has trained a large number of excellent professionals inthe field for all sectors in society. Concluding her speech, President Wangstated that the inauguration of the Advisory Board of the CUFE Business Schoolis of great significance. She hoped that all members could put forward morevaluable suggestions and recommendations, contribute their wisdom to thedevelopment of CUFE and its Business School, and convey the up-to-dateinformation of business management and education to the School, so as tofacilitate the ongoing innovation and growth of management science at CUFE.

Professor Wang Yaoqi,President of CUFE

Professor Ge Jianxin,Party Secretary of the CUFE Business School
At the Conference, President Wang presented appointment letters tomembers of the firstAdvisory Board of the CUFE Business School. ProfessorLi Junsheng was elected as Chairman of the Advisory Board, and theWorkingProcedures of Advisory Board of Business School of Central University ofFinance and Economicswas deliberated and adopted by voting at theConference.

Presentation ofappointment letters
The second session was the 2018 conference of the first AdvisoryBoard, which was presided over by Professor Li Junsheng. Professor Wang Ruihua,Dean of the CUFE Business School and Director of the MBA Education Center,presented a comprehensive and in-depth report on the CUFE Business Schoolbefore the Advisory Board by focusing on five aspects, including school overview,development strategies, disciplines and scientific research, talent training,and problems in school development and improvement plan. Professor Wang saidthat the CUFE Business School has made continuous efforts under the guidance ofits missions and secured a number of achievements: for example, it has receivedthe AMBA and CAMEA accreditation and its business administration discipline wasaccredited as A- in the fourth round of NationalDiscipline Evaluation by the Ministry of Education in 2017. Meanwhile, toaddress challenges and problems in school development, Professor Wang alsobriefed the Advisory Board on the overall principle and specific measuresraised in the improvement plan.

Professor Li Junsheng,Chairman of the Advisory Board and former Vice President of CUFE

Professor Wang Ruihua,Dean of the CUFE Business School and Director of the MBA Education Center

Professor Ajay Vinzé,Dean of the Trulaske College of Business at the University of Missouri

Mr. Jin Peng, a boardmember and General Manager of Sinolink Securities

Mr. Tao Dong, ManagingDirector of Credit Suisse AG

Professor Wang Fanghua,former Dean of SJTU/Antai

Mr. Yang Shujian, aboard member and President of Bank of Beijing Co., Ltd.
At the end, Professor Li Junsheng concluded the Conference, andProfessor Wang Ruihua delivered closing remarks. Professor Wang expressedheartfelt appreciation to Advisory Board members for their insights andinnovative ideas, and pledged that the CUFE Business School will continueprofoundly analyzing new development goals and seize new innovationopportunities, put into practice the suggestions and recommendations ofAdvisory Board members, address challenges with innovative approaches, createenabling conditions for further development, and forge competitive advantagesand a unique brand, so as to develop into a leading, distinctive businessschool in China at an early date.

A group photo ofAdvisory Board members
List ofMembers of the First Advisory Board of the CUFE Business School
Ajay Vinzé
Dean of the TrulaskeCollege of Business at the University of Missouri
Deng Yiwu
Chairman and LeadingParty Members Group Secretary of China Grain Reserves Group Ltd. Company
Jin Peng
A board member andGeneral Manager of Sinolink Securities
Li Junsheng
Former Vice Presidentof Central University of Finance and Economics
Uchiyama Hideyo
Former Chairman of KPMGAZSA LLC and KPMG Japan
Tao Dong
Managing Director ofCredit Suisse AG
Wang Fanghua
Former Dean of AntaiCollege of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Yang Shujian
A board member andPresident of Bank of Beijing Co., Ltd.