Business School NewsNews
A Financial Salon on Blockchain Development, Application andInvestment Opportunities Held Successfully
Date :2018-05-05

Afew days ago, the “Blockchain Summit Salon,” co-sponsored by the CentralUniversity of Finance and Economics (CUFE) Financial Club and TRUSEAS Group,was held as scheduled at the Jiaxin Capital Roadshow Center on the top floor ofthe Central International Trade Center, CBD, Beijing.


Therapid development of blockchains has become a new engine fueling the growth ofdomestic internet industry and significantly enhanced China’s global influence.Three distinguished guests, Mr. Tang Wenjian, a partner of Ernst & Youngand President of Zhongguancun Blockchain Industry Alliance, Mr. Tang Liang, CEOof Beijing Eventown Techonology Co., Ltd (Eventown), and Mr. Yang Yong, SeniorVice President of MOAC Blockchain Tech, a new generation of shared blockchains,and a co-founder of Smarthead X, a cloud digital advisor of digital assetsmanagement, were invited to share their distinctive experiences. They exploredopportunities and possibilities of this Salon which combined finance withindustry from the perspectives of the “Origin of Blockchains,” “IndustrialApplication and Prospects of Blockchains,” and “Financial and InvestmentOpportunities of the Blockchain Industry” respectively. They also gave someadvice to the audience during a profound discussion from the perspectives ofenterprises and investment.


Alumnus Li Wei presided over the Salon


Participants took aphoto at the Jiaxin Capital Roadshow Center


Sun Yanxia, Vice President ofTRUSEAS Group, made a speech

I.Nature of Blockchains


Prescient outlook on development originates from the knowledge ofthe nature, said Mr. Tang Wenjian, one of the domestic trailblazers in thedevelopment of blockchains. He has witnessed its evolution from an embryo proneto skepticism and negligence to a matured product with worldwide popularity.


Mr. Tang Wenjian sharedhis opinions about the nature of blockchains


In his interpretation, Mr. Tang expressed personal opinions andsummary on the nature of blockchains. According to him, technically, it is adistributed storage database built on peer-to-peer (P2P) networks. It serves asa method to lower the cost of resource allocation by building new trust modelsfeaturing decentralization, collective maintenance, editability, datacredibility and other properties. Its strengths in open and transparent data,high-level information security, and remarkable traceability promise aneffective value transfer. It has the potential to improve the existing businessrules, build new industrial coordination models, improve the efficiency ofcooperation and circulation, speed up social digitalization, and promote theexpanded reproduction of some commodities by digital means. Therefore, theprospects of blockchains seem quite promising. So far, the blockchaintechnology has been applied to various practical scenarios like finance-digitalcurrency, public service-healthcare anti-fraud regulation, supply chain-foodsafety, and internet of things. Tang also pointed out that the blockchaintechnology is a perfect match for the combination with scenarios featuring oneor more characteristics like “high costs of trust building, cumbersometransaction verification, multiple fragmented organizations, traceability, P2Ptransactions, and autonomous alliance.”“As people still harbor doubts overthe commercial value of the blockchain technology, the era of the internet ofeverything is fading away and making way for the world of digitalization.”


The blockchain technology has created the effect of “blockchain+” in many aspectsof our real life.


The effects of “blockchain +”

II.Applicationof Blockchains


How to use the powerful weapon at hand? Mr. Tang Liang, CEO of Eventown,expressed his unique insights into blockchain by referring to the technologyand his own experience in its application in the MICE industry.


Mr. Tang Liang sharedapplication scenarios and empirical cases

III.InvestmentOpportunities of Blockchains


Under the CUFE Financial Club’s vision of thecombination betweenfinance and industry, our third guest, Mr. Yang Yong, was invited to interpretthe technology of blockchain from the particular perspective of investors. Thepursuit of logic by investors stems from their profound thinking of relatedproblems.


Mr. Yang Yong sharedhis thoughts on investment opportunities of blockchain


After their speeches, the three guests had unreserved and warminteractions with the audience for up to an hour and a half. They answeredquestions about investment for coiners, provided suggestions to privateentrepreneurs on how to use blockchains to facilitate their businessdevelopment, and reasoned against some skepticism over the technical prospectsof blockchains.


Experience sharing andinteraction


To wind up the Salon, Professor Ge Jianxin, Party Secretary of theCUFE Business School, expressed thanks toTRUSEAS Group for its generoussponsorship. Ge went on saying that she hopes the CUFE Financial Club couldstay true to its original mission of the integration of finance and industry,and foster a better communication platform for students, schoolfellows, moreenterprises, and investors!


Professor Ge Jianxinconcluded the activity and expressed her gratitude


Chairman of the CUFEFinancial Club and Professor Ge presented commemorative medals to the guests


Group photo ofparticipants



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