Business School NewsNews
The First CUFE MBA Program Tour in 2019 Held Successfully
Date :2018-04-15

On the afternoon of April 15, 2018, the First Tencent BusinessSchool National Tour 2019, jointly sponsored by Tencent Education and the MBAEducation Center of Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE), washeld at the Academic Hall of CUFE. Admission representatives of MBA programs ofbusiness schools from 12 universities in Beijing and Tianjin, and more than 500MBA candidates for the 2019 programs participated in the Tour. The grandoccasion was well attended. Professor Jia Xiaojing, Deputy Dean of the CUFE MBAEducation Center, Zhou Yan, Director of the Enrollment Marketing Office, andHuang Jixin, Director of the Project Development Office, attended the Tour.



At the beginning of the event, Professor Jia Xiaojing delivered aspeech on behalf of CUFE. She expressed a warm welcome to leaders and teachersof business schools and candidates present, and shared two stories to encouragecandidates to map out a clear plan and make the right choice for their future,in the hope that they could enjoy a beautiful life and achieve their goals in adecade, two decades, or three decades.




Fan Yan, a co-founder of this event’s organizer Qihang Zhicheng, extendeda warm welcome to candidates in her speech. She noted that the purposes of thisTour are to promote the development of business education, to build a serviceplatform for schools and candidates, and to provide authoritative, immediateand first-hand information about exam preparations for candidates.



Huang Jixin made a speech themed on “A Story-Telling WeChat SubscriptionAccount” at the presentation session of business schools. He introduced theWeChat subscription account of the CUFE MBA program to participants andpresented the special advantages of the CUFE MBA program to candidates throughinteraction enabled by the account.



Li Di, a graduate of the CUFE MBA program in 2017 and CFO ofGaopeng Group, shared his growth experience and how he prepared for the examinationwith candidates. Li encouraged them to dream big and work hard toward theirgoals with three mottos and expressed hopes to see them become CUFEschoolfellows.



At the end of the information session, Zhou Yan answered thequestions of candidates face to face and informed them of the admissionpolicies and relevant registration issues in 2019.




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