13 December 2018,the2018 China Education & CNR Conferencesponsored byCNR Newswasheld in Beijing. Based on its outstanding social reputation and brand value, CUFEBusiness School was awarded the “2018 Brand Impact MBA Program”. This was the 2ndtime in a row that CUFE business school won the honorary titles by CNR News.

2018 wasa criticalyear for China’seducation development.CNRNews held the 2018 China Education & CNR Conference based on the socialresources and reputation of CNR, in order to enhance the educational reform andexplore innovative models in China’s future education. The theme of theconference was “Innovation, Responsibilities, Future”. Experts and scholarsfrom educational institutions, industry leaders, and institution leaders, weregathered to discuss the key issues for China’s education in the context of thechanging era, such as quality of contents, reform, and development. Ms. LiuXinfeng from MBA Education Centre, and Ms. Liu Shuang, Vice Chair of the 15thMBA Union, were present and accepted the awards on behalf of CUFE BusinessSchool.

CUFE BusinessSchool was awarded the “2018 Brand Impact MBA Program” byCNR News. The results were based on votingprocesses by media, internet subscribers, and experts. Another 6 universitieswere awarded the same honorary titles at the same time, such as TsinghuaSEM, PKU BiMBA, and Tongji SEM,etc.

In 2018, CUFE Business School formally established the first Advisory Committee, and successfullyconvened the 2018’ Advisory Committee Meeting. Strategic advices and guidancefor CUFEBusiness School's current and future development wasprovided. CUFEBusiness School continues to promote the implementation of theinternationalization strategy. Cooperation and negotiation with University ofBrandeis, University of Missouri and University of Massachusetts at Lowell isin process. Senior officers from AACSB International, professors and studentsfrom University of Miami, University of Arts and Applied Science and Technology in Switzerland, Telecomde Management Paris, University of Sydney, University of Edinburgh, and Universityof Science and Technology of Hong Kong were invited to visit CUFEBusiness School.
In 2018, CUFE Business School held a series of academic conferences and industry forums, andco-organized “The New Skills and Competences for a Data Driven WorldConference” with GfK Verein. CUFE Business School jointly organized “The Macroeconomicand Financial Market New year Forum (2018)” with China International Futures Co.Ltd; Organized the “CUFE Business School Academic Forum series”, the “Organizationand Human Resources Management Frontier Series Forum”, the MBA “ManagementFrontier and Entrepreneurship Forum” etc. CUFE Business School Financial Club held the “China CultureIndustry Investment Forum”. CUFE BusinessSchool Financial Accountancy Club held the 3rd CFO Forum of MBAs,the “Supporting the Career Development of Business School”, and the “Insightinto the Future” series of lectures on talent development.
In 2018, CUFE Business Schoolsuccessfully held the 5th Business Leaders Training Camp, the 3rdBig Talents Class, the 5th Undergraduate Academic Talents Class, theInternational Summer School, and the 3rd GTMBA program. The MBAstudents have won the second prize of the 1st “Rush Hour” National CommercialBank Management Simulation Competition, the Championship of the 5th BeijingMBA Basketball League, and the second place of the “Asia-Pacific Business SchoolBlue Ice Trekking Challenge”. CUFEBusiness School has signed strategic cooperation agreements with ChinaInternational Futures Group, Grandtopeak Group, Yilu Wealth, and hosted exclusivetraining workshops for China Armament Industry Group, CITIC Bank and HainanBaisha Li Autonomous Count.
In recent years,as one of the most competitive and influential MBA programs in China, the CUFE MBA program obtainedabundant achievements in education and extensive social recognition by integratinghigh quality resources of the whole university upon the prestigious socialreputation and brand value, the discipline characteristics and the advantagesof faculty. The CUFE MBA program has passed the AMBA accreditation and the CAMEA accreditation,and has been awarded the AnnualSocial Influence MBA Program,the Annual Brand Influence MBA Program, the Annual Innovation MBA Program, the Annual Ten Best Business Schools in China, the Annual BestPerformance MBA Program and other honorary titles by social media such as Tencent, Sina, China.net, and World Managers etc. The CUFE MBA program willcontinue to implement the differentiation development strategy and the internationalization strategy, andstrive for the significant worldwide impact and first-class level reputation inChina.